Acing your Interviews - BE HARD TO FORGET!

Crafted by the CEO of an HR & Management Consulting Agency, who has interviewed countless candidates across all levels.

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Acing your Interviews - BE HARD TO FORGET!

What You Will Learn!

  • Preparing for online interviews
  • Preparing for in-person interviews
  • Answering questions posed in interviews
  • Making a lasting impression
  • Knowing which questions to ask in your interview


Prepping for interviews can be daunting, but if you ace the winning recipe, you'll never have to prepare (other than researching the company you are interviewing with) again!

Interviewing for that dream position is much like public speaking or presenting something in front of a group of people and 90% of people I have met over the span of my career dread public speaking and having to deliver presentations.  Why?  Because they lack confidence.

It is true that some people are naturally gifted in this area, but it's not because they are gifted at speaking in front of others - it's because they have learned how to connect with others and therefore engaging with people becomes easy.  Interviewing is exactly that - it is connecting with your interviewer(s) without being familiar or arrogant.

Acing interviews is more about the confidence you have in your own abilities, than it is about being asked a bunch of questions by strangers.

In this course, we look at the tried and tested interview hacks I have curated over the span of my career and we link them with your unique abilities and the magic you bring to the conversation to craft the perfect script for your interviews.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is interviewing for a role and wants to be hard to forget!




