Angular 17 - #BEST Professional Interview Questions -- 2024

Prepare your Angular job interviews with these practice tests containing 110 professional Angular questions-2024 Edition

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Angular 17 - #BEST Professional Interview Questions -- 2024

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding of Angular framework components, modules, and architecture.
  • Ability to develop and implement single-page applications using Angular.
  • Knowledge of Angular's template language, directives, services, and dependency injection.
  • Ability to handle component communication, route management, and use of observables and reactive forms.


NEW Coming soon: Angular 17 questions on new syntax control flow, lazy loading, better SSR support,  vite dev server.

Angular 16 questions on Signal, Hydration, ESBuild, Required Input, Auto route params

Congratulations!  You've found the most efficient, profitable, and up-to-date Q&A resource online for learning Angular!

Thousands of other engineers have learned Angular, and you can too.

Angular was developed by Google and first released in 2010 as AngularJS. It was designed as a solution for building dynamic and complex single-page applications. AngularJS quickly gained popularity and became one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks for front-end development.

In 2016, Google released Angular 2, a complete rewrite of AngularJS, focusing on performance and scalability. Angular 2 was well received and has since been continuously improved, with the latest version, Angular 15, released in November 2022.

Angular is a popular and widely used framework for front-end development, and there is a high demand for developers with Angular skills. Angular developers are among the highest-paid front-end developers, with salaries ranging from 75,000 to 150,000 dollars or more, depending on experience and location.

Angular is one of THE most popular JavaScript libraries you can use and learn these days to build modern, reactive user interfaces for the web.

This Q&A course is fully up-to-date with Angular  15 (the latest version of Angular)!

The test covers:


* directives

* ViewChild

* FormControl

* Routing

* async pipe

* service

* ngFor


* template driven form

* Input/ Output

* Angular CLI

* lifecycle hooks

* HostListener

* provider

* detectChanges

* HostBinding

* testing/ TestBed

* http get/ post

* lazy loading

* injection

* pipes

* guards

Who Should Attend!

  • Web developers who want to learn a new front-end framework for building web applications.
  • Developers who want to enhance their skills and increase their marketability.
  • Front-end developers who want to move from traditional coding practices to component-based architecture.
  • Experienced developers who want to gain a deeper understanding of Angular and its underlying concepts.
  • Full-stack developers who want to expand their knowledge of both front-end and back-end development.



  • AngularJS
  • Angular






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