Asynchronous Python for beginners

Learn to build scalable python applications with async frameworks

Ratings 3.75 / 5.00
Asynchronous Python for beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be able to build scalable python web apps that handle thousands of web requests.
  • You will be able to implement websockets, to build dynamic web applications
  • You will be able to identify blocking code, and create solutions for it
  • You will have a complete understanding of Asyncio and its features
  • You understand the scenarios to use 2 way communication between the client and the server


This course will allow students to explore the principles of Asynchronous programming with Python. By setting a foundation of the problem sets async python can help solve and diving into the frameworks that facilitate this. Your education will be further enhanced by walking through coding exercises and demos that aim to provide sample scenarios.


Emmanuel Apau, an AWS Certified DevOps specialist with 10 years of experience developing innovative automation solutions using DevOps & Site reliability best practices for clients with Python

Topics Covered:

1. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming

2. WSGI vs ASGI Applications

3. Monkey Patching

4. The event loop

5. Asyncio

6. Coroutines, Tasks & Futures

7. Websockets

Once this course is complete:

- You will be able to build scalable python web apps that handle thousands of web requests.

- You will be able to implement WebSockets, to build dynamic web applications.

- You will be able to identify blocking code and create solutions for it.

- You will utilize 2-way communication between the client and understand the scenarios when it is necessary.

- You will have a complete understanding of Asyncio and its features


- This course expects that you have a basic understanding of python development.

- That is you know how to install dependencies, execute python scripts

- That you are familiar with web development frameworks

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner python developers
  • Developers who want to build scalable python applications
  • Developers who want a thorough understanding of Asyncio
  • Developers who want to better understand the benefits of asynchronous applications



  • Python
  • Asynchronous Programming






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