Attracting and Retaining CX and UX Talent

A Training Program for HR, Recruiters, Sourcers, and Hiring Managers

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Attracting and Retaining CX and UX Talent

What You Will Learn!

  • What CX and UX are, and what tasks practitioners do
  • How to assess candidates correctly so you're not hiring the wrong person into an important job
  • Hints in your job description that tell us working there is pretty awful and to be avoided
  • Why CX/UX workers are often flight risks
  • Rules for creating great CX/UX jobs


Training Program Description:

Come and learn enough about CX and UX, its workers, and its processes so that you can improve your ability to attract and retain great talent. You’ll be able to create better jobs. You’ll be able to recognize what typically goes wrong at companies that make CX workers never apply, or make them very likely to quit your company.

Your company imagines it sells software, services, or goods. But ultimately you sell your talent, the people who work at your company. If you hire the wrong people, there's only so good your products and services can be. If processes are broken or culture is suffering, there's only so good your products and services can be.

An example of one disconnect is how you want to assess CX/UX abilities before hiring us... must be a great researcher, must have years of UX experience, must show proficiency in information architecture. But then so many jobs want us to hold workshops where "everybody can do the UX." Nobody assessed workshop attendees' UX-related abilities. Product doesn't hold workshops to have everybody guess at and vote on their favorite product roadmap. Engineers don't have a sticky note festival so we can all decide the technical architecture together. Something is very broken at the company when we allow unqualified people to make decisions in a specialized domain.

It's extremely important to invest some time now in understanding what CX and UX are, who does them, how, why, and how so qualified candidates are more likely to apply and stay.

This training is completely free. Over 8 hours of content, information, and advice are broken into 50 videos.

Certificates and PDUs

Once you have watched 100% of the video content, you can get a free Certificate of Completion. Or go for our free exam, and get your "Specialist in Attracting and Retaining CX & UX Talent" Certificate (or a certificate of completion if you don't want to take the exam).

Delta CX is a SHRM Recertification Provider. If you complete this course and get our Completion or Specialist Certificate, you will qualify for 8 PDUs from SHRM.

More On YouTube

Subscribe to the Delta CX YouTube channel. We're live 2-4 times a week with fresh content around CX and UX. Tuesdays are Office Hours/Ask Me Anything... please come and ask your questions!

Who Should Attend!

  • HR professionals and consultants
  • Recruiters, staffing agents, and talent sourcers
  • Hiring managers for CX and UX jobs, especially those who do not have experience working in CX or UX.



  • Hiring






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