Automate Your Business with Google Sheets App Script

increase efficiency in 7 days,for Busy Entrepreneurs and business owners,gaining Scripting Skills for your OWN needs

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Automate Your Business with Google Sheets App Script

What You Will Learn!

  • You will be a confident user of the scripting tools along with the Google spreadsheet
  • You will be the one who brings solutions to the table instead of problems
  • You can handle complex data load easily
  • You will know the right way to approach the problem


What is the method that many are not aware of and will help you

Streamline the work once and for all

Get rid of unnecessary waste of time, stop getting stuck in technical limitations of third-party software and save money

(You don't have to be a programmer, stop paying a professional and don't spend a lot of time acquiring special skills)

Who will the process work best for?

  • Those who want to improve their business

between 10%-40% to achieve extraordinary results

  • Those looking for the simplest method to optimize their business results

Without wasting unnecessary time and not even investing one extra dollar.

  • Those who deal with data overload and experience feelings of inefficient use of time and always feel missed due to lack of knowledge

At the end of this course you will know…

  • How to control the advanced scripting tool of Google Sheets

  • The most important step - very simple tricks to optimize your

daily work with Google Sheets

  • Create unlimited automatic options

  • The complete road map - everything how to optimize the work in the shortest way

Without paying a professional or purchasing additional software and saving time.

Some facts about the entrepreneur and classic business owner

  • According to a survey conducted by the Small Business Administration, over 60% of entrepreneurs and classic business owners report that they spend more than 50 hours a week in business. This leaves them with limited time to spend on acquiring new skills or keeping up with emerging technologies.

  • A study by McKinsey & Company found that 45% of entrepreneurs and small business owners feel overwhelmed by the amount of data they have to process. This information overload often hampers effective decision-making, as entrepreneurs struggle to sift through and analyze relevant data within a sea of information.

  • A report by the American Chamber of Commerce highlighted that 40% of small business owners face challenges adapting to new technologies due to financial constraints and the perceived complexity of implementation. This hinders their ability to keep up with the rapidly evolving business landscape.

  • A survey conducted by SCORE, a non-profit organization that mentors small business owners, revealed that 72% of entrepreneurs and business owners feel worn out due to long work hours and pressure to manage various aspects of business. This attrition not only affects their well-being but also limits the time and energy available for developing skills and adapting to new technologies.

Studies prove: workload wears down business owners and limits their time and energy

We all know that we "need" to manage our time wisely

But in practice we fail to implement almost everything!


I (accidentally) discovered secrets

"Google Sheets Advanced Scripting Tool"

(Results - doing the same work in half the time, 100 times more energy to free up time for more important things

And most importantly - satisfied customers who, thanks to the knowledge I have gained, receive a much better service).

I know I was there,

Until 3 years ago I found myself drowning in a sea of work

Overwhelmed with manual and repetitive tasks

This means typing the same emails dozens of times

It was exhausting and even quite upsetting

I was not aware that anything else existed

When you are a start-up business owner,

You trying to save money almost on everything

Because the reality is complex and you must control your expenses

Somewhere I already thought of giving up

But then 3 years ago at the end of a particularly exhausting day

I arrived by mistake by browsing a certain website on Google's script tools

The next day I already learned more about it

The truth is that it was difficult and complex

I had no knowledge of programming, and I had to invest time and energy

But I decided not to give up on myself

I spent every day a little more learning about the scripting tools more and more

And it turns out that the investment paid off

Today I manage to optimize my work and do things that I previously thought were impossible.

I understand you as an entrepreneur and business owner

And so I decided to concentrate my knowledge in this course

To give you the most important things to shorten your path

To give you the initial skill that will give you the boost to success

The course will show you the unlimited possibilities that can be done with the scripting tools

He will fill you with pride and inspiration

Knowing that you are also capable of doing amazing things

And in the way of saving time, dramatically improve the results in your work

and stop paying a professional to do the work for you

I promise it will be fun!

You will be a confident user of the scripting tools along with the Google spreadsheet

You will be the one who brings solutions to the table instead of problems

You can handle complex data load easily

You will know the right way to approach the problem

What will you learn to get there:

The basis and what is really important for creating sophisticated scripts

We will learn about variables, loops, working with conditions, creating functions and more.

Why learn about Google Sheets scripting tools?

This course is unlike any other Google Scripting Tools course out there. I don't say that lightly.

This course will give you confidence and comfort in designing simple to complex spreadsheets. You'll go beyond the basics of Sheets. During the course, you will be able to immediately apply what you have learned to your work.

You will master and learn new functions so you can find better ways

Set up your existing spreadsheets, Customers love efficiency.

In this course we will create a customer system project similar to the real world.

This will help you think outside the box so you can work smarter but not harder.

Here are some of the benefits you will earn as a direct continuation of purchasing the course:

If you dream of optimizing your work

You will be exposed to the fascinating world of Google Sheets scripting tools

Completion of the course is not the end, it is only the beginning

There is always something to strive for and something to learn

Automation is the next generation

Automation reduces manual tasks, allowing users to achieve more.

Fewer errors: Automated processes minimize the risk of human errors in communication.

Consistency: Automated communication ensures a standardized approach between messages.

Saving time and directing energy to the really important things

Increased productivity:

Time-saving solutions free up more time for core tasks and strategic activities.

Fast task completion: Fast and efficient communication processes lead to faster task completion.

Improved balance between work and life: saving tools

in time contribute to a healthier balance between work and life.

Who is this course for:

  • Business people looking to expand their skills.

  • Absolute beginners who want an advanced course on Google Sheets that is structured, fascinating, fun and enriching.

  • Spreadsheet users who want to discover and introduce new tips and tricks at work.

  • Students who want to make sure they have the right level of knowledge to succeed in their next job.

  • Data analysts are looking to discover new tools to help them do more in less time.

Who Should Attend!

  • Business people looking to expand their skills.
  • Absolute beginners who want an advanced course on Google Sheets that is structured, fascinating, fun and enriching.
  • Spreadsheet users who want to discover and introduce new tips and tricks at work
  • Students who want to make sure they have the right level of knowledge to succeed in their next job
  • Data analysts are looking to discover new tools to help them do more in less time.




