Accredited Balancing and Healing the Chakras through Yoga

Internationally Accredited Course! Breathing techniques, postures and psychic gestures for healing, happiness & health!

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Accredited Balancing and Healing the Chakras through Yoga

What You Will Learn!

  • Will know what a balanced chakra looks like
  • Will know what an overactive chakra looks like
  • Will know what an underactive chakra looks like
  • Will have postures, or asanas, they can use to work on their chakras
  • Will have additional tools, such as hand gestures and breathing to work on their chakras
  • Will have a basic understanding of the energy system in the human body


This Internationally Accredited Course is an introduction into your Energy body and the Chakras, or energy wheels. You will learn how to balance and heal these chakras through specific yoga sequences and techniques to give you better health, better mental and better emotional state.

Chakra literally means wheel. We discuss your energy wheels, sometimes called energy vortexes, or energy centers and how they are affecting you on a day to day basis.

There are many chakras in the body. We will concentrate on 8 chakras in this course.

You will learn what a balanced chakra looks like, what an overactive chakra looks like, and what an underactive chakra looks like all on an emotional, mental and physical level.

Yoga postures target each chakra specifically so you can work on exactly the area where you need it most.  I have also included  breathing techniques and hand gestures into the sequences for subtler practice and to enhance the energy body.

Learning how to use and access the energy in this way will allow you several benefits in good health, positive life attitude, happier disposition and long life.

This is an Internationally Accredited Course. Details on how to receive a certificate of completion are provided upon completion of the course.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to balance and heal their chakras.
  • Anyone who wants to know more about the energy body.
  • Anyone who wants a more fulfilling, happy and blissful life.



  • Spiritual Healing
  • Yoga






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