Baltic Mythology, Gods, Goddesses and Magical Creatures

In this class you will learn about gods, goddesses and magical creatures in Lithuanian and Latvian mythology

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Baltic Mythology, Gods, Goddesses and Magical Creatures

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn about the role of sun goddess Saule in ancient Baltic society and the role of different goddesses.
  • Different gods and goddess in Baltic folktales, such as the sky god Dievas and the thunder god Perkunas.
  • Magical beings in Baltic legends, such as werevolves and dragons. Nature connection and how important it was to ancient Balts.
  • Learn about fairies, devil and demons and other magical creatures and how the spirits were worshiped throughout the year.


Baltic mythology covers a lot of gods, goddesses and magical beings. These stories from Lithuania and Latvia are filled with mythical creatures, mighty heroes, and heartbreaking tales and they show us glimpses into the past, the old way of life in the Baltic lands. What was life like in the farming communities, sacrificing to the gods and following the pagan wheel of the year.

In this course, you will learn about the history of Baltic gods and goddesses. The sun goddess Saule after riding in the sky landed in the sea with her beautiful stallion. The mighty sky god Dievas, who dressed up like an ancient Baltic lord, and Perkunas the Thunder god, were worshipped as the bringer of rain and the fertility of the land. People swore oaths in his name. Zemyna the mother earth, which Lithuanians and Latvians worshipped, kissed her and bid her good night.

The story of Egle, the most commonly spread folktale in Baltic countries, is about a girl who married a snake. Learn about the ancient snake cult and how snakes were worshipped. Austeja was the goddess of bees. Bees were also seen as sacred animals, very similar to humans. Jurate, the sea goddess and how her myth is linked to the biological life within the Baltic sea.

I will also be giving tips on how you can implement energy from the Baltic deities into your life. This course also includes visual journeys and within them, you can travel to this ancient world, through Lithuanian and Latvian dainas, songs and chants. You will also get a free ebook about Baltic mythology that you can download to yourself.

Niina is a folklorist and mythology researcher. She has studied Baltic mythology for several years and the intersections between Baltic mythology and her native Finnish folklore.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is wonderful for anyone who is interested on Baltic myths and legends and people who are interested in mythology and fantastical tales in general.



  • Mythology






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