Beginner's guide to bullet journaling: how to start a bujo

Learn how to start your own bullet journal and organize all the unnecessary clutter in your head.

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Beginner's guide to bullet journaling: how to start a bujo

What You Will Learn!

  • What Bullet Journaling is and who created it.
  • How to create a Bullet Journal in detail.
  • Best Bullet Journaling supplies.
  • Creative ways to design your Bullet Journal.
  • How to plan your life using a Bullet Journal.
  • Tips and hacks to make Bullet journaling better.


What is a bullet journal?

A bullet journal is the place to keep everything that's on your mind: thousands of lists, notes, calendars, memories, goals... A bullet journal is used to keep track of the past, organize the present and plan for the future.

Why start a bullet journal?

Most people hate buying a planner for two simple reasons: it doesn't have everything they want or it doesn't suit their lifestyle. However, with a bullet journal those problems don't exist. A bullet journal is a white canvas, a notebook filled with nothing so that you can create whatever you want and make it your own. The bullet journal method is the answer to all your planning and creative needs as it's a system created by you. There aren't 2 bullet journals that look the same, and that's the beauty of it.

About this course

This course was designed to help you understand what a bullet journal is and how it works. You will be guided through the process of creating a bullet journal, so you don't need any previous knowledge. This course is for everybody who wants to get started and join the bullet journal community, and therefore create their own journal.

With these lectures you will learn the basics of bullet journaling as well as more advanced techniques and tips. You will also be presented with different types and styles of bullet journals, and you will discover what kind of bullet journal you should create. By the end of this course you will have a perfect understanding of how the bullet journal method works and how to set up your own "bujo" according to your needs.

I hope you enjoy this course and learn a lot from it!

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to be more organized.
  • People who like stationary, journaling, drawing, painting...
  • People who have a thousand to-do lists laying around.
  • People who want to create a positive habit.



  • Journaling






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