Your FIRST guitar lesson

Preparing for private Guitar lessons? Here's what I'd give you in the FIRST MONTH.

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Your FIRST guitar lesson

What You Will Learn!

  • You'll master MONTHS of practice material
  • Guitar Basics - Preparatory and beyond
  • Scales
  • Strumming
  • Using a Metronome
  • Building a Habit of Practicing
  • etc etc.... I'm adding more and more to this course.


This is the exact course I use for most of my private adult students.
We go over Chords, Strumming, Finger Exercises, Scales, Tuning and some common vernacular.

You will not improve if you do not practice. I'm not a magician... I'm a musician. I'll be the first to tell you I didn't get to my skill level because I was born with anything special. It took YEARS of work. If you practice putting in that work for the first month or two you should be able to do everything in this course. I have seen some people get these exercises in a couple weeks... and some in 5 months. The big difference between the two is the amount of focused practice they put in DAILY. I talk more about that in lesson 4.

THIS COURSE is enough to play a handful of your favorite (basic) songs... or at least enough to get you a few steps closer to learning your favorite songs.
My goal with this is to get you going as quickly as possible so that you can navigate the guitar before you start learning all the theory.
Is the theory important? yes! Are we gonna learn a bunch of it here? No, JUST A LITTLE. Enough to communicate. No complex topics in THIS course. I want you to start playing and having fun asap.

Once the videos in the course are done the work doesn't stop there. I will include 40 pages (the first levels) from an exercise book I'm working on called, "Practice Ideas: Preliminary Skills." It's a 20 chapter exercise compilation that gives you all of the basics you'll need for the first few years while studying music. I provide a lot more on my Patreon but I want to make sure my Udemy students are stocked up enough to never not know what else they could be working on.

Expect the topics in this course to be mastered after a month or two.  Assuming you practice, of course.  I'll teach you what to practice and how often to practice...  let's get you playing the guitar!
See you in the "classroom."
Thank you for your consideration.

- Bronson 

Who Should Attend!

  • All adults that want to put in the effort to learn an instrument.
  • Teens that want to see if the guitar is right for them.
  • People who love music
  • People who want to learn how to play the guitar



  • Guitar






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