Breath-Taking 101

One of the biggest indicators of future health is your breathing pattern. What if you're breathing all wrong.

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Breath-Taking 101

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to quickly reduce and manage anxiety and stress
  • Learn how to increase oxygenation throughout your body and brain
  • Learn how to reduce muscle fatigue build greater strength and stamina
  • Learn how to easily prevent, and control panic breathing
  • Learn how to stimulate feelings of calm and self control
  • Learn how to easily have greater brain power, concentration and less brain fog
  • Learn to quickly clear a stuffy nose
  • Understand the most important thing needed for a good night's sleep
  • Learn how to breathe easier and reduce shortness of breath


In this class you will learn to breathe easier, reduce feeling of fatigue and shortness of breath. We'll begin with building your awareness of your current breathing pattern.  Nothing can be changed without first developing an awareness of what is current and, and what a change will feel like. After practicing these techniques for a few weeks, you'll begin to notice big improvements. Your improved breathing pattern can help increase the amount of oxygen delivered to your muscles, which will reduce your level of fatigue. The blood flow to your brain will give you better brain function, clearer thinking, reducing brain fog, lack of concentration and poor memory. You will learn simple exercises and techniques that will allow you to do more with less effort, and have more energy.  Learn how to quickly recover from a panic attack or episode of shortness of breath. You'll understand where your respiratory muscles are, and how to strengthen them to give you more efficient breathing - which will give you more energy and endurance.

All this is good, but it's also important to learn, and practice how to use these techniques during everyday life while doing simple things like moving and walking.

You'll learn to recognize stress and anxiety producing breathing styles.  You'll practice techniques to calm your nervous system and reduce feelings of stress by optimizing your breathing pattern. It's actually quite easy. If you ever need to recover from a sudden panic attack, you'll understand the simple techniques to use. You may even be able to coach others how to calm themselves when in distress also. You'll understand what advice not to say, and why most well meaning advice may actually be harmful.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone who would like to think clearer, reduce fatigue, feel stronger, and breathe easier.




