Cat Care 101 - The Cat Owner Guide

Understand the Anatomy of Your Cat

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Cat Care 101 - The Cat Owner Guide

What You Will Learn!

  • Interesting cat anatomy facts
  • How parts of the body of cats convey their emotions
  • How the anatomical characteristics of a cat differ from those of humans
  • The structure of different cat body parts and how they work


If you have just adopted a cat or kitten, or if you have had cats for many years, you probably have a lot of questions about all the traits that make a cat such a wonderful companion. Cats are relatively low maintenance and they are also easy pets to care for. People love cats for many reasons, they are fun, playful, cute, amusing, loving, smart, curious and the list goes on. You’re probably familiar with the basics of grooming, feeding, litter boxes, general health, and safety. When you look at your kitten or cat, you are probably wondering about the role of the whiskers, of the small pouch on the back of their ears, about their wonderful balance, their agility, their capability of seeing so well in the dark or of being such fierce predators. A cat’s ears and tail are a great indicator of how a cat is feeling. But besides communication, they also play an important role in maintaining the cat’s balance. The sandpaper-like texture of their tongue is scratchy due to some small barbs that cover its surface, called papillae. They are designed to gather the fur and dirt from their coats, and also help them drink water and rip the flesh off the bones of the prey. This and many other interesting cat anatomy facts will be discussed in this course, which is meant to give you a better understanding of your beloved cat.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who have a cat and want to better understand the anatomy of their pet
  • Anyone who wants to learn about cats and their anatomy



  • Cat Behavior






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