Comprehensive Nanny Course Module One

Comprehensive Nanny Course Module One for parents, nannies and child carers in schools.

Ratings 4.02 / 5.00
Comprehensive Nanny Course Module One

What You Will Learn!

  • You will learn basic household management tasks related to childcare. This involves learning about maintaining cleanliness and organization in the childcare env
  • You will learn to follow a routine in THE child’s physical care, mealtimes and nutrition, and domestic care.
  • You will learn about promoting healthy habits and proper nutrition for children. This includes age-appropriate meal planning, understanding dietary restrictions
  • You will be able to attend to the safety, well-being, and emergencies of the children under your care. This includes learning about childproofing environments,
  • Understand the stages of child development; physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development in children of different age groups. This knowledge helps nan
  • You will learn how to maintain safety in children’s indoor and outdoor environments.
  • You will learn best practices for disease prevention and control.
  • You will learn how to care for children who are unwell.
  • You will learn the strategies to communicate and build positive relationships with children and their families. This will include techniques for active listenin
  • This course will equip you with the knowledge and update on child development principles including learning about various stages of child growth, milestones, an
  • You will be able to recognize and support children's physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
  • You will learn to engage children in age-appropriate activities that are developmentally appropriate.
  • You will learn fun ways to engage children of different ages in different activities.
  • You will learn about ethical conduct, professionalism, and maintaining confidentiality. This includes learning about respecting cultural diversity, establishing


Comprehensive Nanny Course Module one is a professional childcare practise that ensures the safety and well-being, health, stimulation and opportunities for play and learning, routines, effective communication, behavioural guidance, child care and protection, training, hygiene, infection prevention and control, recognition of abuse and neglect, needs of children with disabilities and nutrition of infants and toddlers.

Nannies are trusted with the care and well-being as well as the safety, health, hygiene, nutrition, development, and learning of children. The Nanny Plus training helps arm nannies with knowledge about childproofing, emergency procedures, first aid, and CPR which enables them to handle potential hazards or emergencies effectively.

In addition, the course offers knowledge of a child of developmental stages; fostering cognitive, language, emotional, social, and physical development through the provision of age-appropriate activities that stimulate children's growth and learning.

Nannies often play a crucial role in a child's language and social development, behavioural management techniques, nutrition, hygiene, health-related matters, needs of school-age children and children with a disability, professionalism, and ethics, whilst keeping up-to-date with the latest childcare practices, safety standards, and educational approaches.

The Comprehensive Nanny Course is designed to provide comprehensive training to individuals who aspire to work as professional nannies or childcare providers. It covers various aspects of child development, safety, and nurturing, equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to care for children effectively.

· Nutrition and Meal Preparation: As part of the nanny routine, they often engage in meal planning and preparation for children. The training educates participants about balanced nutrition, age-appropriate diets, food allergies, and special dietary requirements. Nannies should learn about healthy cooking techniques and how to encourage good eating habits.

· Child Development: Understanding the stages of child development; physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development in children of different age groups. This knowledge helps nannies adapt their caregiving techniques to meet the specific needs of each child.

· Hygiene and Sanitation: Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is crucial for children's health. The course covers proper hand-washing techniques, diaper changing, bathroom hygiene, and sanitization practices. Nannies are taught the importance of creating a safe and clean play area for children.

· Behaviour Management: Nannies learn positive discipline techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and methods for promoting positive behaviour. The course affords insights into effective communication, active listening, and understanding children's emotional needs. They are also trained to handle challenging behaviours and support children's emotional well-being.

· Play and Learning Activities: Nannies play a vital role in promoting children's intellectual and creative development. This course introduces various play-based learning activities, age-appropriate games, and educational resources. Nannies are equipped with skills on how to stimulate children's curiosity, foster imagination, and create engaging learning environments.

· Building Professional Relationships: Nannies often work closely with parents or guardians. The course comprises guidance on effective communication, professionalism, confidentiality, and establishing trust with employers. Nannies get the understanding of how to work collaboratively with families and respect cultural, religious, and family values.

Comprehensive Nanny Course is a comprehensive nanny course that provides a well-rounded education. It aims to prepare nannies in schools and homes including parents to provide high-quality care and support the healthy development of children under their supervision.

Who Should Attend!

  • School caregivers
  • Crèche staff
  • Home nannies and caregivers
  • Crèche owners
  • Classroom assistants
  • Teachers
  • School owners
  • Helpers
  • Parents and Grandparents




