Environmental Sustainability and Design Renewable Technology

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Ratings 0.00 / 5.00
Environmental Sustainability and Design Renewable Technology

What You Will Learn!

  • Recognize Integrated Design, Adaptive Reuse, and Building energy Rating Systems
  • Identify the potential materials or systems that can impact Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
  • Understand Environmental Challenges.
  • Understand Sustainability Systems Models and renewable building technologies
  • Introduction to Ecology, Environment, and Sustainability


In this course we will go over the basic ideas, concept, and technologies both passive and active used in the design of environmentally friendly architectural projects. Focus is on the investigation of the relationship between planetary concerns, energy, indoor air, quality, site selection, building orientation, and alternative construction techniques. Areas of concentration will include: sustainable building design and site selection, energy efficient designs and construction techniques, photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar thermal systems, wind energy, fuel cells, lighting, heating, cooling, building envelope, energy production, water conservation adaptive reuse, new urbanism, and building energy rating systems. We will cover "Low Impact Design" (LID) and identify the potential materials or systems that can impact Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). An overview of the various benefits of energy conservation utilized in how buildings are developed and specific building systems and how they affect the user and inhabitants of those specific spaces. Students will learn about New Urbanism and Mixed Use Development and some effective design strategies to keep in mind as we continue to develop existing and new urban and suburban communities. Students will understand how Adaptive reuse is the process of repurposing buildings for viable new uses and modern functions, other than those originally intended to address present-day needs. Students explain the fundamentals of sustainable environmental design practices. The student will gain the necessary skills to discern, analyze data from various sources, and be able to formulate knowledgeable opinions that can lead to multiple solutions with varying criteria sets.

Who Should Attend!

  • Architects, Designers, Urban Planners, Contractors, Engineers, Landscape Designers, Executives, and Companies




