Henna Brow Tinting For Beginners (With Brow Mapping)

Learn the art of dying the brow hairs and skin semi-permanently

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Henna Brow Tinting For Beginners (With Brow Mapping)

What You Will Learn!

  • Henna tinting for brows
  • How to create a beautiful brow shape with henna dye
  • How to add onto your beauty treatments
  • How to start a new or side line business


What is Henna Brow Tinting?

Henna brows are a form of eyebrow tinting that is used to stain the skin beneath the brow hairs, as well as the brow hairs themselves. The purpose of this is to cast a shadows or create an illusion of depth and fullness in the area, visually filling in any sparseness. Henna is a natural dye made from a plant known as Hina or the Henna tree.

Brow Henna is available in various shades, from light to dark brown. Take a good look at which colour suits your customer and discuss the wishes very well. It is difficult to determine exactly in advance how a colour will develop. This dependents on skin type. For that reason, it's better not to go too dark the first time. Repeat the process rather than having a disgruntleed customer who finds her eyebrows too dark. You can slightly soften the colour with Tint Remover. But remember that Brow Henna has just been developed for a long-lasting result, so you do not brush it off easily.

Light Brown: dark ash blonde/brown, cooler and darker than blonde. Perfect for medium skin and blonde to dark-blonde eyebrows.

Dark Brown: an intense cool colour. Especially for the tinted dark skin tone. And anyone who loves dark eyebrows!

Black: an intense cool colour. Only for use on dark skin tone. And anyone who loves very dark eyebrows!

Who can benefit from Henna Brows?

  • Clients who participate in sports (particular swimming)

  • Clients who have sensitivity to make up

  • Those who find the daily make up ritual too time consuming

  • Clients with very fine brows

  • Some who simply want to enhance their looks

What does a typical Henna Brow session involve?

Normal eyebrow tinting just colours the brow hair, but Henna enhances both the hair & skin. Henna Brow is a fantastic service to add to your brow threading, brow lifting & as a progression from brow tinting. It is recommended for all most types, lasts weeks, is painless, and requires no downtime.

What is Brow Mapping?

Brow Mapping is a technique that is used to help find the ideal brow shape on your face. Brow specialists take multiple measurements of your brows and eyes to establish your correct brow shape. In essence it is a process of marking specific points on your brows allowing you to highlight where your eyebrows should start, where the arch should be and where your brow tails should finish. It’s a great way to achieve the perfect brow shape for your face and when done properly, really change the way your face looks, drawing attention to certain areas and away from others.

Who Should Attend!

  • From beginners to beauty experts



  • Makeup Artistry
  • Beauty Business






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