How to activate your glutes with in depth exercise tutorials

Increase muscle mass, improve posture, and overall exercise performance by utilising this important muscle group

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How to activate your glutes with in depth exercise tutorials

What You Will Learn!

  • You will learn how to activate the gluteal muscles correctly by applying the correct scientific functions that the muscles are designed to perform
  • You will learn the benefits to these functions and how they can impact day to day life
  • Then you will learn from step by step video exercise tutorials detailing both isolation and compound exercises for the gluteal muscles


Welcome to the course that everybody needs! The gluteal muscles are not only an eye catcher, but they are necessary for a healthy, functioning body. The gluteal muscles stabilise our hips and knees while improving overall posture. Any movement involving standing, walking, running, sitting up, climbing, all include the gluteal muscles. You can't get from A to B without them and that's why I have designed this course because the FUNCTIONS of this muscle group are often overlooked when people are trying to exercise and this can lead to injury and an inefficient body. In this course you will learn the scientific functions of the glutes, what their benefits are, and how we can apply them in step by step exercise tutorials. So let's get your glutes fired up, your fitness through the roof, and stand with confidence knowing your glutes are doing the job they were designed for! I'll see you in the first video! Cheers, Jaspar.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anybody who is wishing to increase muscle mass and improve performance with their glute muscles
  • Anybody who has postural issues or knee issues, activating the glute muscles can help with both of these issues



  • Body Building
  • Muscle Building






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