Improve Your Chess From Beginner to 1900 ELO

Learn chess strategies, techniques, and openings to help you in every game you play

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Improve Your Chess From Beginner to 1900 ELO

What You Will Learn!

  • Chess Basics (how pieces move and basic checkmates)
  • Essential Chess Endgames (Lucena and Philidor, the Bishop in the wrong corner, knight vs rook pawns, and more)
  • Essential Pawn Chess Endgames (King and pawn vs king, triangulation, opposition, corresponding squares, and more)
  • How to think about weak squares
  • Tactical motifs to look out for in a game
  • How to improve time management
  • How to limit your opponent's piece movement and get your own pieces active
  • What to think about in the opening
  • How to approach coming up with a plan in the middle game
  • How to study chess every day
  • How to think and approach chess games


This course is all about helping you to improve your chess.  You'll learn about general chess principles to abide by, what to do in the opening, how to come up with a plan in the middlegame, and more.

You may be playing a lot of chess online and are frustrated with your results.  You might not be understanding what's happening with your losses either.  We discuss how to approach studying these games and learning from your mistakes so that you don't repeat them over and over. 

Getting the fundamentals in place with principles is important, but being able to identify these principles at the right time will help you reach new levels.  It's amazing how much I improved when I kept these principles in the back of my mind during each game.  To this day, I still think back to them when I'm unsure what to do over the board.

You don't have to be at a particular level to get anything out of this course.  If you're a new player, or you've been stuck at 1500 playing chess online, you'll find a ton of value in this course.

I'm here to help you get the most improvement out of your chess.  I'm happy to be your coach to guide you through the process on the path to improvement.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginning Chess Players
  • Chess Players Motivated to Improve
  • Chess players who want to win more games



  • Chess






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