International Travel Safety for Professionals

Adding situational awareness to uncertain situations.

Ratings 4.64 / 5.00
International Travel Safety for Professionals

What You Will Learn!

  • This course is designed to provide information for business and government professionals while traveling. You will learn how to recognize and mitigate threats and risks, and Intelligence tradecraft and techniques for traveling safely in foreign environments.
  • Threat recognition, Counter-Intelligence tradecraft, how to determine whether you've been targeted, and various scenarios pertaining to entrapment, blackmail and other types of exploitation.
  • Types of environments that pose the greatest risk to travelers (global areas, hotels, markets, taxis, etc).
  • How to use insinct.


Throughout the course, you will be shown a variety of potential threats and risks that could present themselves to the unprepared traveler, and you will be able to understand how and why you could be targeted by foreign adversaries, how to recognize basic tradecraft, and how to employ your own tradecraft as a way of ensuring your defense and safety while abroad.

Who Should Attend!

  • This is mainly for business and government professionals that have access to sensitive information/facilities, and that have security clearances, or other industry knowledge that could otherwise indicate a vulnerability while traveling abroad.
  • Anyone interested in risk and threats involved in international travel.
  • Project Managers, Developers, Programmers, CIOs, CFOs, CEOs, Government employees, anyone with access to sensitive or proprietary information.



  • Travel Tips
  • Personal Safety Tips






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