Get Certified in Neo4j: Unleash the Power of Graph Databases

Neo4j Fundamentals: Learn the Basics of NoSQL and Graph Databases

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Get Certified in Neo4j: Unleash the Power of Graph Databases

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the fundamentals of graph databases and how they differ from traditional relational databases, including key terminology, concepts, and best practice
  • Learn how to use Neo4j as a graph database management system, including how to set up a database, add nodes and relationships, query the graph using Cypher, and
  • Gain proficiency in the Cypher query language, including how to write and execute complex queries to extract insights from the graph
  • Be prepared to take the Neo4j certification exam by mastering the knowledge and skills required to pass the exam


Welcome to the Introduction to Graph Databases, Neo4j & Cypher course!!!

Are you interested in learning about NoSQL databases and graph databases?

Do you want to learn how to use Neo4j, the leading graph database, to manage complex relationships in your data?

Our Introduction to Graph Databases, Neo4j & Cypher Course is the perfect place to start.

In this course, you will learn:

  • The basics of NoSQL databases and how they differ from traditional SQL databases

  • The benefits of using graph databases, and how they can help you manage complex data relationships

  • The basics of the Cypher query language, which is used to query and manipulate data in Neo4j

  • How to use Neo4j to manage data relationships and perform complex queries

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of the basics of NoSQL and graph databases, and be able to use Neo4j to manage complex data relationships in your own projects.

This course is designed for:

  • Developers who want to learn about NoSQL and graph databases

  • Data scientists who need to manage complex data relationships

  • Database administrators who want to expand their skills and knowledge

  • Anyone who is interested in learning about Neo4j and the Cypher query language


This course can also help you prepare for the Neo4j certification exam. By completing the course and passing the certification exam, you can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in using Neo4j to manage complex data relationships.

Course Format:

The course is self-paced, so you can complete it on your own schedule. It includes video lectures, hands-on exercises, and quizzes to test your knowledge. You will also have access to a community forum where you can ask questions and get support from other learners and instructors.

Enroll now to get started on your journey to mastering NoSQL, graph databases, and the Cypher query language with Neo4j.

Neo4j was valued at 2 billion in 2021, and raised a substantial sum for its funding rounds - graph databases are becoming increasingly used in fraud detection, influence analysis, transportation networks, and for generating knowledge graphs.

In Part 1, the course begins with an introduction to graph theory concepts, including, the history of graph theory,  introducing the learner to NoSQL databases, after providing a context on the history of database development.

Then, the course introduces the learner to one of the graph databases - Neo4j, and the associated query language, Cypher. Cypher will likely constitute the foundation of a standardized graph query language, and learning Cypher will not limit one's application to Neo4j alone. The course touches upon how it is easy for any learner transitioning from SQL to easily grasp Cypher.

Part 2 of the course focuses on querying with the Cypher Query language on the Movies dataset built into Neo4j, so the learner becomes familiar with using the Cypher query language:

  • Retrieve information on the schema of the database

  • Query the graph database (Filter results with the WHERE clause, Querying patterns, Querying a database (building a list, collect and count data, calculations), Control results (duplication/sorting))

  • Create Nodes and Relationships (Create and Delete Nodes, Create and Delete Relationships)

  • Indices and Constraints (Create and use a simple index, Create and use a composite index, Create and use Full-text schema index, Create, use and delete a Uniqueness constraint, Create, use and delete an Existence constraint)

  • Importing data from a CSV file into Neo4j which allows you to explore relationships in your own data!

Who Should Attend!

  • Data scientists who are responsible for developing models and algorithms to extract insights from data.
  • Data analysts who work with data, SQL and are interested in exploring new tools, looking to expand their skillset to include graph databases and Cypher.
  • Social science researchers looking to learn how to work with influence analysis and other applications of graph databases etc.
  • Software developers interested in learning about Neo4j as a potential database solution for their applications, or are looking to integrate graph database functionality into their existing applications.
  • Business intelligence professionals interested in graph databases as a way to more effectively represent complex relationships in their data, and to uncover insights that may not be apparent using traditional BI tools.



  • Neo4j






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