Introduction To Meditation - The Basics

Everything You Need To Know To Start Your Meditation Practice

Ratings 3.80 / 5.00
Introduction To Meditation - The Basics

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn How To Meditate
  • Discover The Techniques, The Postures, The Mudras
  • Set Up A Meditation Space
  • Reduce the effects of stress from life
  • Practice mindfulness meditation to improve health and wellbeing
  • Incorporate mindfulness throughout the day and make it a part of the daily routine


This course offers learners both the guided meditation practice and its theory required to develop a daily mindfulness meditation practice.

This is the perfect course for complete beginners in meditation. It has been crafted in a way that you learn all the basics, step by step, and then you enter a complete module of practice with 8 meditations.

Not only you will learn the theory but the practice is the main purpose of this course.

Here is an overview of what you will learn when enrolling on this course:

- The different techniques

- The postures

- The hand positions or Mudras

- How to manage your thoughts in meditation

- How to set up your Sacred Space

- The benefits of meditation

- How you can integrate meditation into your routine

- Practice with 8 meditations on top of the ones in the theory section

- Receive complementary gifts

- Get your certificate of completion (not the one provided by Udemy)

With practical mindfulness, you will learn meditation tools to overcome limiting thoughts and behaviour patterns and to live a healthier, happier, and more productive life.

If you're constantly stressed, anxious, short-tempered and even confused about life, then you'll be amazed at how the simple act of meditation can bring relief to all those areas - and more!

Anybody can learn and benefit from meditation!

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners in Meditation
  • Anyone who wants to learn the basics
  • Anyone who struggles with the stress, anxiety and depression
  • Anyone who is on a spiritual path
  • Anyone who is interested in self growth and becoming a better and more insightful person



  • Breathing Techniques
  • Buddhism
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness






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