Mastering Leetcode with Easiest Explaination (Javascript)

Learn How to Solve Leetcode Problems using Chrome Debugging and thorough Explanation by solving 1 problem a day with me.

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Mastering Leetcode with Easiest Explaination (Javascript)

What You Will Learn!

  • Javascript Bascis
  • Easy way to tackle Leetcode Problem
  • Clear Job Interviews
  • Confident in solving programming problems


The course  is not to teach you how to scramble your way into a top tech company, but to help you learn how to acquire algorithmic problem solving skills, which in turn will help you get the jobs you want. We'll start with some general tips that apply pretty much to anything that you want to get better at

Consistency is key. You want to start as much in advance as you can, and do it daily. Doing it for one hour a day is better than doing it for seven hours on Sunday only.Focus on active improvement. This means that if you're on auto-pilot or if you're not focusing, then it's OK to just stop and come back later.Remember that everybody is different and there is no one-size-fits-all. So feel free to deviate from this (or any) guide.

Eventually, you're going to find a problem that's too hard, and you'll get stuck. That's totally fine. In fact, it's absolutely fine (and perhaps even efficient) to give up on some problems. It's possible that it requires an algorithm or data structure that you haven't seen before, and there's no need for you to pull your hair out trying to re-discover an algorithm or data structure. Here are some tips for how to get un-stuck.

SO join this course and learn proramming and how to solve leetcode problems using javascript

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Javascript Developers



  • Java
  • Competitive Programming






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