Learn to use the Pen Tool in Affinity Designer

Learn to use the pen tool and its options to draw anything. Join +2k students who have already succeeded.

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Learn to use the Pen Tool in Affinity Designer

What You Will Learn!

  • How to use the Pen Tool in Affinity Designer + how to use it in combination with other tools to get the most out of it, and finally being able to draw with it once and for all. I'll show not just one method, but three, so the students can choose the more convenient for them or, even better, combine them all.


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In this course, you are going to learn to USE THE PEN TOOL FOR GOOD, with 3 different methods I prepared for you, so by the end of the course, you will be able to control it in such a way you won't be frustrated by it anymore.

I prepared the course in such a way that, if one method does not feel good to you, you will still have two additional methods to find your way and finish the exercises and final project. However, I am pretty sure that, with just a bit of practice, you will master the 3 very soon, and combine them in your designs.

You’ll learn about segments, bezier curves, the pen tool, nodes and the node tool. You will also learn how to combine them to get the most out of their powerful possibilities, and master the most important and pivotal tools in vector drawing. For this, we will do some easy to follow exercises, to finally end up creating a more complex one, focusing in how to use the pen tool and a few more tools we will see in the course.

We will use Affinity Designer, but once you’ve learned how to use it, you’ll have a much easier grasp on any other pen tool on a different software, since, even though each one has their own particularities, in essence, they are very similar.

This class is for anyone wanting to learn how to draw with vectors, especially beginners, but also those who having some knowledge, still don’t have a good understanding on how the pen tool works and what are the logics behind it.

Who Should Attend!

  • People wanting to learn the pen toll inside out. It's both for beginners and intermediate users who still do not fully understand and struggle using and controlling the pen tool



  • Affinity Designer
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Vector Graphics






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