Machine Learning Course - A Beginner's Guide

Machine Learning Course - Simplified

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Machine Learning Course - A Beginner's Guide

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding the basics of supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Python libraries like Numpy, Pandas, etc. to analyze your data efficiently
  • Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Decision Trees for building machine learning models
  • Understand how to solve Classification and Regression problems using machine learning
  • How to evaluate your machine learning models using the right evaluation metrics?
  • Improve and enhance your machine learning model’s accuracy through feature engineering
  • Projects covered - a) Customer Churn Prediction and b) NYC Taxi Trip Duration Prediction


Machine Learning is the science of teaching machines how to learn by themselves. Machine Learning is re-shaping and revolutionising the world and disrupting industries and job functions globally.

Machine learning is so extensive that you probably use it numerous times a day without even knowing it. From unlocking your mobile phones using your face to giving your attendance using a biometric machine, machine learning is being used in almost every stage.

In this age of machine learning, every aspiring data scientist is expected to up-skill themselves in machine learning techniques & tools and apply them in real-world business problems.

Machine Learning problems can be divided into 3 broad classes:

  • Supervised Machine Learning

  • Unsupervised Machine Learning

  • Reinforcement Learning

    • Supervised Machine Learning: When you have past data with outcomes (labels in machine learning terminology) and you want to predict the outcomes for the future – you would use Supervised Machine Learning algorithms. Supervised Machine Learning problems can again be divided into 2 kinds of problems:

      • Classification Problems: When you want to classify outcomes into different classes. For example – whether a customer would default on their loan or not is a classification problem which is of high interest to any Bank

      • Regression Problem: When you are interested in answering how much – these problems would fall under the Regression umbrella. For example – what is the expected amount of default from a customer is a Regression problem

    • Unsupervised Machine Learning: There are times when you don’t want to exactly predict an Outcome. You just want to perform a segmentation or clustering. For example – a bank would want to have a segmentation of its customers to understand their behavior. This is an Unsupervised Machine Learning problem as we are not predicting any outcomes here.

    • Reinforcement Learning: It is said to be the hope of true artificial intelligence. And it is rightly said so because the potential that Reinforcement Learning possesses is immense. It is a slightly complex topic as compared to traditional machine learning but an equally crucial one for the future.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners in Data Science



  • Machine Learning






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