Meditation Basics

Learn to meditate quickly to have a more peaceful, mindful, and fulfilled life!

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Meditation Basics

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn the basics of meditation
  • The Art of Stillness
  • Mindfulness in Meditation
  • The Power of Affirmations


Is meditation right for me? Maybe you’ve tried meditation in the past, but it just “never worked”. Maybe you’ve never meditated but want to incorporate it into your life because you’ve heard it has so many incredible benefits such as more peace, joy, and calmness. Meditation Basics will give you all those benefits and much more! Jay brings a practical approach to meditation that he gained over 17 years of meditating. Jay makes it incredibly simple to do and to stay with. He takes what can seem like a daunting endeavor and makes it accessible for every person, regardless of who you are or your background. Jay brings practical advice and lays out a detailed plan for meditation that’s easy to apply immediately! You will experience powerful changes in your life in as little as a few days and even more profound changes over the next weeks and months. Jay lays out a path for making meditation, something that will be a part of your life for decades to come! Jay will give you:

  • Jay starts by teaching a simple way to begin meditating immediately in as little as 1 to 3 minutes.

  • The basic building blocks to start effectively meditating, such as applying mindfulness, affirmations, and stillness.

  • What the actual practice of meditation will involve and what to expect as you begin to meditate.

  • Jay discusses some practical issues related to meditation relating to setting a time for meditation and how long to meditate. How to stay consistent with your meditation.

  • Once the essentials are in place, Jay will go deeper in exploring greater wisdom and designing the life you really want, using meditation for greater fulfillment.

  • Jay has provided a workbook with an Application Section at the end of each lecture and notes, which will give you easy-to-follow exercises to start applying what you’re learning immediately! The workbook will also be a journal to write down your process with your meditation.

  • Each section will have a quiz to reinforce what you’re learning.

Meditation Basics will give you a foundation for meditation in your own life. Meditation Basics can help to revolutionize your life quickly and for many years to come! Start the journey with Jay now by taking this course and applying Meditation Basics!

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners



  • Meditation






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