Appium Mobile Automation (Android & iOS) for Beginners...

[Latest Version : Appium 1.22v ] master android and iOS apps test automation using Appium 2.0v with Java.

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Appium Mobile Automation (Android & iOS) for Beginners...

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will get very good knowledge on using Appium for mobile apps automation
  • Students will learn how to perform scroll ,swipe ,switching to webviews and so on in both iOS and Android using Appium
  • Students will be able to handle gestures like click , dragAndDrop and so on in both iOS and Android using automation.
  • Students will learn how they can inspect web views in native apps and how they can automate web view in Appium and so on.


Disclaimer : This course is purely designed for beginners and intermediate students ....

Tools Used :

Appium 1.22v with Java

Course Details :

TouchActions deprecated , desired caps deprecated and so on in latest version of Appium , So don't follow old methods to perform any swipe or scroll using touch actions and also desired capabilities got deprecated.

We will start from basic actions like click ,sendKeys to all the way till knowing how we can scroll , swipe , dragAndDrop , touchAndHold , tap , doubleTap , switching between native view and web view and vice versa , handling picker wheel , handling sliders and so on. We will learn how we can inspect web view elements of Hybrid app in safari and couple many.

Appium Android SetUp :

We will learn how we can link Appium inspector and Appium Server.

Appium is an open-source tool for automating mobile and desktop applications. It supports both Android and iOS platforms and can be used with various programming languages, including Java, Ruby, and Python.

Here are the steps to set up Appium on a Windows machine:

  1. Install Node.js: Appium is built on top of Node.js, so you'll need to have it installed on your machine. You can download the latest version of Node.js from the official website: nodejs

  2. Install Appium: To install Appium, open the Command Prompt and run the following command:

Copy code

npm install -g appium

  1. Start the Appium server: To start the Appium server, run the following command:

Copy code


  1. Install the required dependencies: Appium requires certain dependencies, including the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Android SDK.

  2. Set up the environment variables: You'll need to set the JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME environment variables on your machine to point to the location of the JDK and Android SDK, respectively.

  3. Verify the setup: To verify your Appium setup, you can run a simple test to launch the Appium server and see if it's running correctly. You can use a tool like Appium Desktop, which provides a graphical interface for Appium, or write a simple code using one of the supported programming languages to interact with Appium.

  Appium iOS Setup :

  1. Install Xcode: Xcode is the integrated development environment (IDE) used for iOS development and testing. You'll need to have Xcode installed on your Mac to run Appium tests on iOS. You can download Xcode from the Apple App Store.

  2. Install Homebrew: Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that makes it easy to install and manage software. To install Homebrew from its official site

  1. Install Node.js: Appium is built on top of Node.js, so you'll need to have it installed on your machine. You can use Homebrew to install Node.js by running the following command:

Copy code

brew install node

  1. Install Appium: To install Appium, run the following command in Terminal:

Copy code

npm install -g appium

  1. Start the Appium server: To start the Appium server, run the following command:

Copy code


  1. Install the required dependencies: Appium requires certain dependencies, including the Carthage dependency manager. You can install Carthage by running the following command:

Copy code

brew install carthage

  1. Set up the WebDriverAgent: The WebDriverAgent is an Appium-specific WebDriver server that runs on an iOS device and communicates with Appium. You'll need to set up the WebDriverAgent to run Appium tests on iOS. To do this, follow the instructions provided on the Appium website

  2. Verify the setup: To verify your Appium setup, you can run a simple test to launch the Appium server and see if it's running correctly. You can use a tool like Appium Desktop, which provides a graphical interface for Appium, or write a simple code using one of the supported programming languages to interact with Appium.

I hope this helps you get started with setting up Appium for iOS automation. Let me know if you have any questions!

Who Should Attend!

  • Automation testers , manual testers , students who want to learn mobile automation , general audience who wants to learn Appium.



  • Appium






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