No Equipment Home Workout Program

Learn how to use proper form with basic movement patterns and exercises

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No Equipment Home Workout Program

What You Will Learn!

  • Demonstrate proper technique with basic exercises: squats, pushups, dips, burpees, situps and many more!
  • Understand common faults and contraindications for exercises and how to correct them
  • Know how to construct your own at home workouts with no equipment needed
  • Know how to properly warm up and cooldown to improve your workouts and prevent injuries


This course is designed for anyone wanting to exercise but doesn’t have access to equipment and wants a better understanding of proper body mechanics.  This is intended to help beginners gain a solid foundation to build upon so they don’t hurt themselves and get better results with other online programs while providing home workouts.  There are handouts and tutorial videos included with this course which can be done at your own pace in the comfort of your home.  We start with foundational movements such as squats, pushups, situps, and burpees and then progress to more complex movements such as handfoot crawls.  This course is a must take for anyone thinking of starting a fitness program but doesn’t have access to a personal trainer to guide them on proper form all while allowing you to gain lean muscle and lose body fat.  

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is meant for people wanting to start an exercise program with little to no knowledge about how to do the exercises with correct form. This will help prevent injuries and maximize results when starting any other exercise program and this course comes with home workouts with no equipment needed!



  • Fitness
  • Home Workout






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