PERSONAL POWER REIKI PLATINUM-Ole Gabrielsen + 3 Attunements

Your Inner Sun: Understanding the Solar Plexus; Practice to Clear Solar Plexus; Understanding Self-Confidence

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PERSONAL POWER REIKI PLATINUM-Ole Gabrielsen + 3 Attunements

What You Will Learn!

  • This system contains the following attunements: • Solar Angels' Reiki • Golden Yellow Activation from Solar Angels • Golden Yellow Booster from Solar Angels
  • Energy brings a positive side to your life, it brings positive thoughts about yourself, about the world, and about other people
  • Very warm energy that is going to give you a feeling of comfort
  • It is going to seal and protect your solar plexus and boost it in a gentle and healthy way
  • A Guide to Maintaining Self-Confidence
  • The Power of Gratitude - Embracing a Daily Dose of Thankfulness
  • Facing Your Fears Head-On Embracing Courage One Step at a Time
  • The Courage to Cut Back What Holds You Back
  • From embracing positivity and managing anxiety to increasing self-esteem and self-compassion, this extensive course encompasses a variety of topics
  • The Power of Self-Belief - A Journey to Self-Empowerment
  • Healing with the Help of Solar Angels
  • Embracing Your Inner Strength - A Guide to Maintaining Self-Confidence
  • The Language of Self-Compassion - Embracing Kindness Within In
  • The Power of Gratitude - Embracing a Daily Dose of Thankfulness
  • The Power of a Positive No!
  • Facing Your Fears Head-On Embracing Courage One Step at a Time
  • Strategies for Managing Anxiety - A Guide to Finding Your Calm
  • Instructions for grounding => After cutting threads, how do a grounding exercise guidance
  • 77 pages manual included


Welcome to a journey of radiance and strength with PERSONAL POWER REIKI PLATINUM - Eternal Glow and Luminous Strength from Solar Angels - TriEnhanced - where you can easily embrace the everlasting warmth and empowering light of Solar Angels!

In this transformative course, you're embracing a celestial partnership with Solar Angels to awaken your Inner Sun. The solar plexus chakra, your innermost powerhouse, is waiting to unveil its secrets to you, offering clarity and an unwavering sense of purpose. Through understanding and aligning with the Solar Angels, you'll experience a profound empowerment that lights up every facet of your life.

I invite you to delve deep into the practices that clear your solar plexus, renewing your inner vitality and enhancing your self-confidence. Feel the healing touch of the Solar Angels, guiding you to a harmonious balance within. And as you learn the art of forgiveness and release, you’ll find that peace and warmth are not just fleeting moments but constant companions.

Embrace this golden opportunity to nurture your personal power with the loving guidance of the Solar Angels. Allow their light to transform you as you embark on this journey to your brightest self. Welcome to PERSONAL POWER REIKI PLATINUM - your path to a life illuminated from within.

What is completely new that you are getting in the PERSONAL POWER REIKI PLATINUM course?

-The First and Biggest Upgrade - The energy of PERSONAL POWER REIKI PLATINUM is the strongest ever!

-Your Inner Sun: Understanding the Solar Plexus - Delve into the radiant world of your solar plexus, the cradle of personal power that resides within you. Discover how this energetic hub can illuminate your path to self-confidence, acting as your personal sun that shines from the inside out. This will be your guide to understanding how a balanced solar plexus can enhance your inner strength and zest for life.

- The Role of Solar Angels in Our Lives - Embark on a journey to meet the solar angels, the guardians of light and empowerment in the spiritual realm. Learn how these celestial beings can influence your life, offering guidance and warmth when you're in need of upliftment. We'll explore the comforting presence of solar angels and how they gently nudge us towards our highest good.

- Aligning with Solar Angels for Personal Empowerment - Alignment with solar angels is akin to harmonizing with the rhythms of the universe, tapping into a divine source of strength and confidence. They invite you to open your heart to these luminous beings, allowing their guidance to fortify your resolve and enlighten your choices. It's a celestial partnership that promises to empower your journey and fan the flames of your personal growth.

- Activating Your Solar Plexus for Clarity and Purpose - Discover the transformative power of an activated solar plexus, your personal seat of clarity and purpose. Learn to tap into this golden reservoir of energy that can clear the fog of uncertainty, illuminating your path with intention and focus. Through this activation, you'll find the keys to a more directed and purposeful existence.

- Practices to Clear the Solar Plexus - Like tending to a sacred flame, keeping your solar plexus clear is essential for maintaining your inner radiance. This exercise provides practical, soothing practices designed to dissolve blockages and restore the free flow of your inner vitality. Engage with these rituals to nurture your core and sustain its warming glow.

- Healing with the Help of Solar Angels - Embrace the healing light of solar angels as they guide you to replenish and rejuvenate your spirit. This gentle process is a balm for the soul, aiming to mend the fragmented parts of the self through celestial compassion and wisdom. Together with solar angels, you'll learn to restore balance and harmony within your solar plexus.

- The Warmth of Forgiveness and Release - The act of forgiveness is like the sunrise after a long night, bringing warmth and a fresh start to the soul. This chapter is a heartfelt invitation to let go of the burdens of the past, to bask in the liberating light of forgiveness. Experience the profound release that comes with forgiving oneself and others, and let the soothing warmth of this practice envelop you in peace.

- Understanding Self-Confidence - Self-confidence is the gentle whisper of encouragement that tells you, "You can do this," even when challenges arise. It's built from experiences and self-reflection, growing stronger with each step you take towards your goals. Think of it as a warm, inner glow that illuminates your abilities and potential, casting out doubt.

- The Power of Belief - Belief is the quiet conviction that your dreams are not only possible, they are within reach. It is the foundation upon which the house of your capabilities stands, resistant to the winds of uncertainty. With every belief in your heart, you paint the canvas of your reality with more vibrant colors of possibility.

- The Language of Self-Compassion - Speaking to yourself with self-compassion is like wrapping your soul in a cozy blanket on a brisk day; it's comforting and protective. This language softens the inner critic and transforms it into a supportive ally. It's about learning to speak to yourself with kindness, understanding, and grace, especially in moments of struggle.

- The Self-Esteem Garden: Growing at Your Own Pace - Your self-esteem is a personal garden, unique to you, that flourishes with patience and personal care. Each seed of accomplishment and every sprout of learning contributes to the lushness of your inner landscape. Here, growth is not a race but a natural, steady process that honors your individual tempo.

- Embracing Positivity in Your Daily Life - Incorporating positivity into your daily life is like letting the morning sun gently coax you awake, filling you with warmth and promise. It's choosing to see life's cup as half full, savoring every sip of it. This daily practice brightens every corner of your existence, influencing your perspective and interactions.

- Gratitude: Your Daily Dose of Sunlight - Gratitude is the sunshine of the soul, transforming how we view the world and ourselves within it. Taking time each day to acknowledge your blessings is like basking in the sun's rays, feeling the warmth permeate every part of your being. It's a simple, yet profound practice that heightens the beauty in the everyday.

- The Power of a Positive No - Learning to say no positively is an art, a boundary-setting dance that respects both your time and the requester. It's about affirming your priorities with a warm, yet firm assertion. A positive no ensures that your garden isn't overcrowded, allowing your most cherished commitments to receive the nourishment they need.

- Facing Your Fears Head-On - Confronting your fears is the brave act of looking them in the eye and acknowledging their presence. It's about standing firm, even when your instincts scream for retreat. With each fear faced, you'll find your confidence grows, much like a muscle that strengthens with use.

- Strategies for Managing Anxiety - Managing anxiety is akin to learning the harmonies of a complex melody; it takes practice, patience, and sometimes, guidance. It involves a symphony of techniques, from mindful breathing to structured problem-solving, all designed to calm the mind's turbulent waters. These strategies act as anchors, keeping you steady even when the waves of worry rise high.

- The Courage to Cut Back What Holds You Back - Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to prune away the parts of your life that stifle your growth. It requires the courage to recognize what's no longer serving you and the strength to let it go. The space left behind is fertile ground for new opportunities and experiences that will enrich your life's garden.

- Defining Your Personal Success - Defining your success is an intimate and creative act, like sculpting your masterpiece from the clay of your experiences. It's deeply personal, based on your values, aspirations, and the essence of what brings you joy. This definition becomes the north star guiding your journey, unique and resplendent as the night sky.

- Setting and Achieving Goals - Setting goals is the act of planting the seeds of your future joys and accomplishments. Achieving them requires consistent nurturing—water, sunlight, and the patience to weather storms. Each goal reached is a celebration, a bloom in your garden that inspires you to plant even more seeds.

- Celebrating Your Growth and Successes - Celebration is the joyful acknowledgment of the milestones reached and the efforts exerted. It's an important ritual that reinforces your achievements and sprinkles your path with happiness and pride. These celebrations are like snapshots of your journey, reminding you of how far you've come and the trails you've blazed.

- Maintaining Your Self-Confidence Garden - Maintaining your garden of self-confidence requires regular attention, a commitment to nurturing your growth, and clearing away the weeds of negativity. It's a lifelong process of tending to your needs, aspirations, and well-being. This maintenance ensures that your garden remains a place of refuge and strength, season after season.

- The Continuous Journey of Self-Improvement - Self-improvement is a journey without a final destination, where each step forward is both an achievement and a promise of more to come. It's a commitment to perpetual learning, growth, and the understanding that every day offers a new opportunity to blossom. Embrace the journey with an open heart, and watch as your life unfolds in ways you never imagined.

- A Letter to Your Future Self - Writing a letter to your future self is an act of hope and vision, a bridge between who you are and who you aspire to be. It's a message across time, carrying your dreams, intentions, and the wisdom of your present self. This letter is a time capsule of your personal journey, waiting to be rediscovered and cherished in the fullness of time.

The Solar Angels came again (for first time was lounched 2017) with an amazing and uplifting message about real self-confidence, how to build it, and remaining humble at the same time. Solar Angels offered this time three potent energies that work in a simple, but life-changing way!

Who Should Attend!

  • When you have a strong Solar Plexus, you can easily protect yourself energetically. This course is designed for individuals who are seeking to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing, and are interested in holistic and spiritual healing methods. Ideal learners are those who wish to embrace positivity, manage anxiety, face their fears, and improve their self-esteem and self-compassion through the practice of Solar Reiki and the power of gratitude. This course is also suitable for those who are interested in spiritual attunements and the teachings of Ole Gabrielsen. It's an excellent fit for anyone wanting to boost their assertiveness in a graceful manner and gain the courage to let go of what holds them back. Whether you're new to the world of Reiki and self-improvement or have some experience, this course aims to provide valuable strategies and insights.
  • We invite you to delve deep into the practices that clear your solar plexus, renewing your inner vitality and enhancing your self-confidence
  • Embrace this golden opportunity to nurture your personal power with the loving guidance of the Solar Angels
  • Encourages personal development
  • Cleans and balance your Solar Plexus
  • Improves your personal strength
  • Suitable for both beginners & experienced healers/teachers
  • Helps you build a positive approach to earthly and material life




