Planning Your Work Wardrobe: Dress Without Stress

Organise your wardrobe, plan your outfits, and get on with your successful career!

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Planning Your Work Wardrobe: Dress Without Stress

What You Will Learn!

  • You will set goals for your work wardrobe
  • Take a detailed inventory of your work-appropriate clothing
  • Create a cycle of outfits that can be worn over and over again
  • And identify problems with your workwear and/or your cycle and solve them!


  • Does getting dressed for work in the morning leave you feeling stressed and ill-prepared?
  • Have you invested time and money into building a fantastic wardrobe but find yourself wearing the same two or three outfits over and over, neglecting all the other items stuffed into your closet?
  • Would you love to wake up in the morning with a great outfit ready so all you have to do is put it on?

I've worked in places with all kinds of dress codes - from the extremely conservative to the extremely relaxed. I've spent time following strict guidelines, learned to express my creativity whilst still maintaining authority, and, most impressively, created comfortable and smart outfits incorporating uniform t-shirts! 

I've received compliments everywhere. I even coped with a two and a half hour commute for three months without losing my mind or my style!

I believe that advanced planning brings advanced peace of mind. Think how much more prepared you would be for each day with your outfit already taken care of. Imagine what you could do with the time saved. You could exercise, study, learn a new skill, write a couple of hundred words on your novel, have a relaxed breakfast with your family - or just laze around in bed!

Join me. Get organised, save time, and set yourself up for success!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for people who have plenty of work-appropriate clothing but still struggle to choose outfits that make them look and feel great every day.
  • This course is also for those who have difficulty creating work-appropriate outfits because they don't have enough clothes.
  • This course is for both large and small budgets - however much you want to spend on your clothes, this course can help you.
  • This course is for those who enjoy advance planning, or who are open to learning to love it!
  • This course is for people who have to follow dress codes at work, and for those who don't (or who think they don't!).
  • This course is not for people who have a assigned uniform to wear every day.
  • This course is not for people who don't enjoy planning.
  • This course is not for people who need basic guidance on style, dressing for their body shape, grooming, etc. This course is about how to plan your outfits for work - you should already have some idea of how to dress to look good.



  • Career Development
  • Personal Branding
  • Personal Development






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