PMP Certification Exam Prep Course FULL TRAINING PMBOK7th Ed

PMP Certification-Get 35 Contact hours/PMBOK 7th Project Management Professional-Fully updated for the latest PMP Exam

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PMP Certification Exam Prep Course FULL TRAINING PMBOK7th Ed

What You Will Learn!

  • “Attention, Managers!” Do you want to FEEL CONFIDENT before booking the slot for the NEW PMP EXAM 2021? You are at the right place.
  • Are you ONE OF THE FEW lucky People out there, who VALUES the VALUE of the Project Management? get READY.
  • New FORMULA to KICK START the preparation with Plenty of Questions (1500+) on the Exam simulation mode based on the NEW Pattern (2021)?
  • Accommodate your BUSY SCHEDULE. SHORT AND SWEET Capsules' of Videos
  • This Course OFFERS an opportunity to get a MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SATISFACTION for a minimum investment.
  • CONSUME EXCITING 49 process of PMBOK Guide 6th edition based on the NEW EXAM Pattern (2021).
  • ENABLING YOU TO RECAP easily. QUICK Summary of All the Chapters
  • How to prepare for the Exam? Yes. we have an INCREDIBLE exclusive session on that
  • How agile are you? INTRODUCING the Agile based on the NEW Pattern (2021)
  • This Course OFFERS  an opportunity to get a MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SATISFACTION for a minimum sum.
  • REVEALING the New Exam content outline covering: People, Process and Business Requirements Domain
  • FREE WHATSAPP Support Group
  • Only the MOST DEDICAEATED ACHIEVER will use my services. ARE YOU a dedicated achiever?
  • Whatever your thoughts at this point in time, just pretend that all of it is moving you in the direction of more professional Project Management
  • Work Performance Data, Work Performance Information, Work Performance Report
  • Difference between Work, Activities, Task. Do you use this synonymously?
  • Different Leadership Styles required for a Project managers like us
  • Functional Structure, Projectized Structure and Matrix Structure
  • Difference between a Manager and the Leader.
  • PMI Talent Triangle. What is that? How the new exam pattern related to that?
  • New Exam Content Outline? How it is organized? How to use it for the preparation?
  • Project Life Cycle Vs Product Life Cycle, Clear cut understanding about it
  • Who is PMO? What they do? What are the different types?
  • Why do we need to define multiple Project Phases? How much is good?
  • Predictive Model approach. When to use this?
  • Incremental Model approach. When to use this?
  • Iterative Model approach. When to use this?
  • Agile Model approach. When to use this? Why it became so famous?
  • Hybrid Model approach. When to use this?
  • Scope Management, Schedule Management, Cost Management etc..
  • A story of Collecting Requirements
  • Product Scope Vs Project Scope
  • Initiating, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Controlling and Closing
  • Brainstorming
  • Data Analysis
  • Positive Bias and Negative Bias
  • Observation Technique
  • Delphi Technique
  • Expert Judgement, Meeting and Analytical Technique
  • And many more in 35+ hours of Videos...….Just click and Buy.
  • INCREDIBLE 10 knowledge Areas of PMBOK Guide 6th edition based on the NEW EXAM Pattern (2021)


Attention, Managers! If you want to Earn the high-Status PMP qualification based on PMBOK 7th Edition, beyond belief, the Easiest Way, based on PMBOK seventh edition even if nothing's worked for you in the past. You are at the Right Place. This fascinating course has helped more than 3,000 people just like yours before floating online.

"Let me give you the secrets of "fearless clearing" of this MOST WANTED Certification!"

Now stop and think about this. Not only are you going to become a "PMP Certified Project Manager" by taking this course, but you will also become a highly skilled "Project Manager ."A smoking gun for hire!

And as you are thinking about how much to invest, the potential value of this course is—well—beyond belief. Obviously, we could easily charge $200 or more because it took days, months of work, and many sleepless nights. But I want to make it easy for you to prepare for this prestigious Exam—we want everyone to have this—Let's create a brave new Project management Community.

This Course is Available for you At unbelievable 90% OFF.  Order Risk-Free with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Now I would like to help you experience success, so the price, for the time being, is set at an UNBELIEVABLE EXCLUSIVE discount price! That's more than 90% off a limited offer—but you must ACT now!

‘Do you know how delighted you will be when you buy this Course?’

Wanted Project Managers, who are Ready for, Breakthrough Guaranteed Success

Research indicates that "Employers will need to fill nearly 2.2 million new project based roles each year through 2027. "

Think of THAT! Many project managers aspire to a Project Management Professional PMP certification. Project Management is the King and Queen of all the management concepts.

Having a qualification, such as PMP, next to your name at the top of your resume creates a reputation from hiring managers. This course OFFERS an opportunity for you to get a MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SATISFACTION for a minimum sum. "Do you realize how valuable this course is?"

You don't have to use this course right away; it's only important that you are open to the idea of using this soon. What would it be like to allow your use of this course to evolve naturally, efficiently, and quickly to shape yourself as a professional manager?

You might notice how "Professional Project Management" can define/redefine your focus, as well as that of your prospect, customer, or client.

Curious to Know What's So Exciting About This Course?

Imagine You buy this course to learn the proven ways to Your Project Management Professional PMP - 35 Contact Hours full course collection; this is going to blow you away because it's entirely based on the NEW Exam Pattern 2021. And, it's written in a simple layman English language, so that any practitioner like you can understand it easily.

Before I tell you how you can comfortably Clear the PMP Exam using this course, allow me to explain a bit of this course. Now that you have signed this course, helping yourself prepare and become a certified Project Management Professional . I am telling you story after story in this course with many examples based on how others mastered this skill.

This course teaches the principles, techniques, and tools needed to successfully prepare for and pass this certification.

Sounds Hard To Believe? Let us prove it to you. Some recent Testimonials

This course has helped more than 3,000 people just like yours before coming online. It can help you, too.

I want to make 100% sure that you are happy with your purchase. Become a globally recognized PMP certified manager.

That's What They Said

Ramanujam PMP "Chandramouli Sir's classes is a booster for the preparations. He shares PMBOK and PMIsm more practically. Training is more informative and also guides you from the exam preparation stand point. I just followed the same approach".

Sailesh Malhotra PMP "As for the training delivery, Chandramouli is an excellent trainer and shared in depth insights of the Agile and Scrum project management lifecycle."

Sandeep Bandyopadhyay PMP "Excellent training by Chandramouli Sir. Very detailed, simplified and practical oriented training on PMP. Thanks for the excellent training".

Are you beginning to see how? Who Else Want To Be In This List?

Who Should Attend!

  • Only the MOST DEDICAEATED ACHIEVER will use this service. ARE YOU a dedicated achiever?
  • Do you want to pass PMP in the new Exam Pattern 2021? People, Process and Business Requirements
  • This Course OFFERS  an opportunity to get a MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF SATISFACTION for a minimum sum.
  • "Looking for a few good men” for decades in Project Management. Do you want to revise the concepts in a logical order of sequence?
  • Accommodating your BUSY SCHEDULE. SHORT AND SWEET Capsules' of Videos
  • Do you want to learn Agile Concepts in the simplest way? Click and Buy Now.
  • FREE Whatsapp group for bonus materials
  • Just pretend for a moment that you’re the kind of person who can easily master this information and become good at using the PMP Certification.



  • Management Skills
  • Microsoft Project
  • PMP






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