PostgreSQL Partitioning. Before 2GB frontier

From the query performance, availability and maintainability to the partitioning

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PostgreSQL Partitioning. Before 2GB frontier

What You Will Learn!

  • Foundations of table partitioning in PostgreSQL
  • Declarative and inheritance partitioning in PostgreSQL
  • Why and when use different types of the partitioning
  • Skills to analyze conditions for the partitioning introduction


The partitioning is one of the important PostgreSQL features which may help you not only improve the performance of your application but also make your life easier as a software developer or database administrator.

One of the reason why I created this course is to understand how right the popular statement that the partitioning make sense for tables which size is greater than 2GB.  Also in the Internet it's possible to find many statements saying that the partitioning improves the maintainability and availability but what it means in practice. What exactly from the maintainability and availability point of view can be improved by using the partitioning.

Another reason is in my practice it happened pretty often that the developers were experiencing issues with understanding when the partitioning has to be introduced. So I hope this course will help you to recognize the need in the partitioning in your projects.

In this course we will look how we can analyze the query performance to understand we will get the benefits from the  partitioning.  Also I will show what particular advantages the partition may provide from availability and maintainability point of view. Also we will discuss different approaches for the partitioning among PostgreSQL versions and different types of the partitioning.

There are practical lessons where you find the step by step instructions for the performance analysis and partitioning implementation.

Who Should Attend!

  • Software developers
  • Database administrators
  • Web developers
  • Site reliability engineer




