Design Books for Print with Adobe InDesign

Create a Beautiful Interior Book Design for Your Manuscript

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Design Books for Print with Adobe InDesign

What You Will Learn!

  • Pick and set the trim sizes and margins for your book
  • Set up individual chapters for your book
  • Compile the book sections in a single document
  • Design front and back matter for your book


Ready to start creating books like a professional? Adobe InDesign is the industry standard for book designers for a reason: it's powerful! But all those features can get confusing. In this course, I'm going to show you the step-by-step process to format a novel or other manuscript into a tidy professional book interior.

This will create an interior that is ready for printing with Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, or any other book printer. Since Amazon is the largest self-publishing platform, we will be referencing the trim sizes and margin sizes found in their help guides; however, these are going to be largely transferrable. Just check with your printer if you're designing your book for somewhere else.

Our sample is going to be a no-bleed book interior, but we do touch on how to calculate the page bleed if you're designing something with edge-to-edge images. We will also explore how to set up a cover design file, though this course doesn't provide a tutorial on the specifics of cover design.

By the end of this course, you're going to be able to produce a finished professional book interior. You'll have the skills necessary to create as many books as you like; this is great for self-publishing authors, but also designers who are looking to add another type of design skill to their portfolio!

Who Should Attend!

  • Self-publishing authors and designers who want to add book design to their skillset



  • InDesign






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