Salesforce Admin Certification [2023] > 240 Questions

SAC Exam Practice Tests, SAC Certified, Practice 240 Salesforce Admin Certification [SAC] Questions. Total 6 Exams

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Salesforce Admin Certification [2023] > 240 Questions

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding the Salesforce Admin Certification Framework
  • Practice our questions, it is similar to SAC Exam
  • Gain Higher Confidence on Passing the SAC Exam
  • Your first steps to being a Salesforce Admin Certification


In this SAC exam preparation course you will be challenged with more than 240 questions. These questions will increase your chances passing the exam from the first attempt.

Exam instructions.

You can skip the question and come back later to the question.

If you do not pass the test in the first attempt you can take as many attempt as you like.

When you are finished with the test you can press on the stop button anytime you are finished.

If you are out of time of the test Do not Panic you can still finish up the test.

If you are unsure of a question come back later to it.

The SAC test contains 50 multiple-choice questions based on the SAC Learning Objectives, and candidates will have one hour to complete it. The passing score is 75%. You will not be able to pause the test, but questions can be bookmarked to answer later during the 60-minute time limit.

The SAC Learning Objectives fall into the following categories: 1. Lean, Agile, and Scrum 2. Scrum Master Core Competencies 3. Service to the Development Team 4. Service to the Product Owner 5. Service to the Organization

The SAC test is available to be taken in English, Spanish, and etc...

Who Should Attend!

  • The SAC Certification is suitable for members of teams, managers of teams, teams transitioning, and professionals who are interested in pursuing a career as a Salesforce Admin Certification




