Google Sheets \ Excel Logical Functions in Hindi

Logical IF, AND, OR Functions, IFS, COUNTIF and SUMIF Functions

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Google Sheets \ Excel Logical Functions in Hindi

What You Will Learn!

  • IF Function: Conditionally returns one value if a specified condition is true and another value if false in Google Sheets.
  • IFS Function: Allows you to evaluate multiple conditions and returns a value corresponding to the first true condition in Google Sheets.
  • IF AND Function: Returns a value if all specified conditions are true and another value if any of them is false in Google Sheets.
  • IF OR Function: Returns a value if at least one of the specified conditions is true and another value if all conditions are false in Google Sheets.
  • IF AND OR Function: Allows you to combine AND and OR conditions to create more complex logical tests in Google Sheets.
  • COUNTIF Function: Counts the number of cells that meet a single specified condition in Google Sheets.
  • SUMIF Function: Adds up the values in a range that meet a single specified condition in Google Sheets.
  • COUNTIFS Function: Counts the number of cells that meet multiple specified conditions in Google Sheets.
  • SUMIFS Function: Adds up the values in a range that meet multiple specified conditions in Google Sheets.


Unlocking the Potential of Logical Functions in Google Sheets

In the realm of spreadsheet applications, Google Sheets stands out as a powerful tool for data analysis and manipulation. One of the key features that empowers users to make informed decisions is the suite of logical functions. These functions, such as IF, IFS, IF AND, IF OR, IF AND OR, COUNTIF, SUMIF, COUNTIFS, and SUMIFS, provide a versatile toolkit for handling data based on specified conditions.

IF Function:

  - The IF function is a fundamental building block, allowing users to perform conditional operations. It evaluates a specified condition and returns one value if the condition is true and another if false. For example, `=IF(A1>10, "Greater than 10", "Less than or equal to 10")` will display "Greater than 10" if the value in cell A1 is indeed greater than 10, otherwise "Less than or equal to 10" will be shown.

IFS Function:

  - Expanding on the IF function, IFS allows users to evaluate multiple conditions in a single formula. It streamlines complex decision-making by providing a concise way to handle numerous scenarios without nesting multiple IF functions. For instance, `=IFS(A1>10, "Greater than 10", A1=10, "Equal to 10", A1<10, "Less than 10")` efficiently handles various comparisons in a single formula.

IF AND Function:

  - The IF AND function combines multiple conditions using logical AND. It returns a specified value if all the conditions are true and another if any one or more conditions are false. An example would be `=IF(AND(A1>5, B1="Yes"), "Condition met", "Condition not met")`, where the result is dependent on both A1 being greater than 5 and B1 being equal to "Yes".

IF OR Function:

  - In contrast, the IF OR function checks if at least one of the specified conditions is true. It returns one value if any condition is true and another if all conditions are false. For example, `=IF(OR(A1>10, B1="Approved"), "At least one condition met", "Conditions not met")` provides flexibility by allowing different criteria to trigger a positive outcome.

IF AND OR Function:

  - Combining the capabilities of AND and OR, the IF AND OR function enables users to create more intricate logical tests. It returns a specified value if a combination of AND and OR conditions are met. A practical example might be `=IF(AND(A1>5, OR(B1="High", B1="Medium")), "Complex condition met", "Complex condition not met")`.

COUNTIF Function:

  - Moving beyond conditional outputs, the COUNTIF function is invaluable for counting cells that meet specific criteria. For instance, `=COUNTIF(A1:A10, ">50")` counts the number of cells in the range A1 to A10 that contain values greater than 50.

SUMIF Function:

  - Similar to COUNTIF, the SUMIF function adds up values based on a specified condition. If you want to sum values in column B where the corresponding value in column A is greater than 50, you would use `=SUMIF(A1:A10, ">50", B1:B10)`.

COUNTIFS and SUMIFS Functions:

  - These functions extend the capabilities of COUNTIF and SUMIF by allowing users to apply multiple criteria simultaneously. For example, `=COUNTIFS(A1:A10, ">50", B1:B10, "Approved")` counts cells where values in column A are greater than 50 and values in column B are "Approved."

In conclusion, the logical functions in Google Sheets provide users with a robust set of tools for handling data dynamically. Whether you need to make decisions, count occurrences, or sum values based on specific conditions, mastering these functions enhances your ability to extract meaningful insights from your spreadsheet data.

Who Should Attend!

  • Intermediate Google Sheets Learner
  • For Data Analyst
  • HR Manager's
  • Finance and Account Manager




