Street Photography: Transform Your Composition Using Science

Change your photography for ever by unlocking the secrets of perception and mastering the brain's visual language.

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Street Photography: Transform Your Composition Using Science

What You Will Learn!

  • Unlock the secrets of perception and master the brain's visual language!
  • Learn the formula for a great street photograph
  • Understand the power of your frame and how to use it to your advantage
  • Learn how to apply psychological principles of visual perception to massively improve your photography
  • Discover the filter in your brain that can be programmed to fine-tune your observation
  • Understand how using shapes and geometry play a key role in photographic composition
  • Learn how to take intriguing photographs with and without people


As a self-proclaimed geek, I have always been fascinated by understanding how things work, including the visual appeal of certain photographs. Instead of focussing on the technical side (yawn), I delved into the reasons by some photographs work while others don't.

By studying the work of renowned photographers and researching psychology, I was able to improve my own street photography. While street photography may be considered an art, I love teaching the science of composition based on how our brains process visual information. Curious? I hope so!

Inside the course before delving into the science I'll begin by sharing my secret formula for a great street photo. You'll get a straightforward framework to apply to your own work, whether during the shooting process or afterwards while selecting your best shots.

The first lesson (after the intro) is the most extensive one, as it will provide you with a solid foundation for the remainder of the course.

This course is for anyone who possesses curiosity, a desire to create, and a camera (which can be a smartphone). While it is aimed at street photographers who are starting out, street shooters of all levels can enjoy experimenting with the principles and concepts I present, because these are not the "usual" thing you get taught as a photographer. And in fact this course is not just for street photographers...

As a result you'll be able to view, consider, and compose the world in new and exciting ways, and your confidence and creativity will grow and grow with practice. And each lesson comes with an assignment for you to go out and challenge yourself with!

I believe science is fascinating, everything is learnable (especially with a framework) and practice is everything.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner street photographers or anyone at any level who wants to dive deeper into why some photos work and some don't.




