The Meditation Transformation: Mindfulness for Beginners

Transform your life with guided meditations, tapping, and exercises that you can use daily to improve mindfulness

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The Meditation Transformation:  Mindfulness for Beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • Gain more clarity and peace of mind.
  • Lower your stress levels and create a more meaningful life.
  • Develop a zest for life that will get people to ask you WHAT ARE YOU DOING differently?
  • Learn the art of energy healing and mindfulness with practical and short exercises.
  • Become an unstoppable force of manifestation and transfromation


Mindfulness is the BEST way to navigate this wonderful journey called life! And when you combine Mindfulness & Meditation, then you will have the single most powerful transformational tool at your disposal.

Being mindful will help you have more clarity, less stress, better sleep, better relationship and most importantly, a better life in general.

In this course, I'll teach you to:

  1. Create a simple yet effective mindfulness practice.
  2. Learn how to relax in as little as 5 minutes a day.
  3. Utilize the power of EFT "Emotional Freedom Tapping" to release stuck energy.
  4. Manifest with the power of affirmation and meditation.
  5. Use mindfulness exercises like the shower meditation or the active meditation to gain an instant awareness of your energy and emotions.
  6. Banish fear and create clarity with learning the Chakra system and how it affects your life.
  7. And much much more fun tips and benefits to help you build your most BRILLIANT life ever!

So are you ready to be the BEST version of yourself, and to live in a constant state of joy and bliss by simply introducing mindfulness into your everyday life?

Are you ready to be an unstoppable form of transformation and ignite within you that spark that will lead you to the EPIC life that you were meant to live?

You're at the right place, take this course! It is TRULY a transformation experience!

Created by Zane Baker, the founder of My Daily Zen and the co-founder of the Valhalla Mind Institute. Zane inspires, educates and transforms the lives of thousands via his newsletter, his blog and live events on his Valhalla Mind Facebook Page where he captured the attention of  570,000 followers and growing all teaching the concepts of mindfulness, energy healing and crystals.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who feels likes they are not getting the best out of life [Low paying jobs, few friends, feeling sluggish and out of control, feeling like they’re not moving forward in life at all, parents who feel like they are barely being there for their kids.]
  • Any who feels stuck emotionally, mentally or physically. [Mental blocks, emotional trauma from past and painful experience, lack of motivation, lack of support, lack of time, lack of money, etc. It’s both for beginners who have never meditated before and intermediate and advanced practitioners who want to take their meditation to the next level.]



  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Personal Transformation






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