The Ultimate Chakra Guide

Astara's Ultimate Chakra Guide - Tash Capazorio

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The Ultimate Chakra Guide

What You Will Learn!

  • Introduction to The Seven Chakras
  • In-depth look at Cleansing and Balancing the Chakras
  • Chakra Crystals and their Properties
  • Performing Chakra cleansing and balancing for friends and family


You've probably heard people talk about "unblocking" their chakras, which refers to the idea that when all of our chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony exists between the physical body, mind, and spirit. Chakra translates to "wheel" in Sanskrit, and you can imagine them like wheels of free-flowing positive energy. In this guide you will learn about the different Chakras, their locations, their respective colours and organs of the body. When one of them is blocked, it can and will affect the rest. In the same way that blood flows through our veins, this is how energy flows between the different chakras. This is what happens when the chakras become blocked. This course is designed in an easy to follow, colourful manner. You will be introduced to the different chakras, take an in-depth look at how each works on a mental, physical and emotional level. We also take a look at the psychology of colour and crystals we can use during a Chakra healing session, with a guided meditation to start your very own healing and balancing. You will also learn how to notice when one or more chakra is unbalanced, and with everything you learn in this course, you will be able to not only rebalance your own chakras, but those of your friends and family. You will also be able to include the knowledge you take from this course and add it to your existing spiritual practice.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners in energy healing will find this course very beneficial and it is also a starting point for all my other courses. This is not a very long drawn out course but covers all the relevant information extensively, allowing you to offer your clients safe and professional treatments.



  • Chakra






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