Therapy Technique for Anxiety, Phobias, & OCD

Evidence-based, scientific technique for fears, phobias, anxiety, sexual dysfunctions, and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Ratings 4.22 / 5.00
Therapy Technique for Anxiety, Phobias, & OCD

What You Will Learn!

  • psychotherapy skills
  • counselling skills
  • dealing with anxiety and phobias


This comprehensive course containing almost 1.5 hours of carefully curated unique video content illustrates in depth a therapeutic technique called 'paradoxical intention' (PI), which was developed by Prof Viktor Frankl, MD, PhD, the world-renowned Austrian psychiatrist, philosopher, Holocaust survivor, author of the internationally acclaimed Man's Search for Meaning, and the founder of logotherapy and existential analysis, regarded as the third Viennese school of psychotherapy after Freud and Adler. It is an evidence-based, scientific technique specifically designed for fears, phobias, anxiety, sexual dysfunctions, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, with a clinical success rate of over 78%. The material presented here will be of interest to both mental health professionals, but even more so to sufferers themselves and their families, especially when taking into consideration the devastating impact which the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has had on everyone's mental wellbeing.

Imagine this scenario: someone is taking a photograph of the family at Christmas. He looks through the lens of his camera or I-phone and sees non-smiling faces. He decides to say the following: ‘Now whatever you do, don’t smile. No, no smiling. Did I see someone smiling?’ Immediately, everyone relaxes and begin to smile naturally. This is the heart of PI. Frankl asks his phobic patients (to take one example) to will to have happen the thing they fear most; it works through humour, hyperbole, and the ability we humans have to self-distance and self-detach from our symptoms.

Who Should Attend!

  • Mental health professionals
  • Psychotherapists
  • Counsellors
  • People dealing with anxiety and phobias
  • People suffering anxiety during the Covid-19 Pandemic



  • Psychotherapy
  • Mental Health






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