Color symbolism and Meaning of Colors

Learn about the different meanings and symbolism of colors in different cultures

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Color symbolism and Meaning of Colors

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn about symbolism of colors.
  • How colors can affect your mood and mental health
  • Meanings of colors in different cultures.
  • What kind of emotions different colors create and evoke.
  • History of colors and how colors have been used in clothing and advertising.


In this course you will learn about the symbolism behind different colors. Colors have a big impact on us and they can even effect on our mental health. You may apply some of the teachings in this course to bring more colors in to your life. Colors have various different meanings in different cultures

From happiness and prosperity to sadness and mourning. For instance, in western cultures yellow is the symbol of happiness, while in Egypt, it reprepsents mourning. Likewise in Japan, red signifies life and energy, whereas in South Africa, it represents death. More over, the color white, is used for mourning in China, and is considered as symbol of purity and innocense in western cultures. These various interpretations of color, highlight the importance of cultural understanding and the mindset that we communite when using colors in different context.

This course can also be valuable for anyone, who is interested in using colors in ways of marketing and catching people's attention or if you work in artistic industries, this course can help you to think about colors in various different ways.

Colors have such a substantial effect on the mind and body, and until we make our peace with this reality, we’ll remain forever perplexed by inexplicable and random reactions.

Who Should Attend!

  • anyone interested to learn more about colors



  • Coloring






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