Personal Development > > Stress Management

Depression Counseling Certificate

* Printable online certificate available upon completion of course*Did you know that globally 264 mi...

Ratings: 4.71/5.00     Lectures: 29  Subscribers: 132

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Cathartic Release thru Neuroarts

This class assumes that you already have a basic foundation in Neuroarts.  In this class, I wil...

Ratings: 4.38/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 132

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Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness for Success

Course Description: This course is a unique blend of emotional intelligence and mindfulness. It is a...

Ratings: 3.86/5.00     Lectures: 28  Subscribers: 131

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Spielend Grenzen setzen und Deinen Raum einnehmen

Eine Bitte vorab und Abgrenzung meinerseits von Menschen, die gerne rumstänkern (die Tastenkrie...

Ratings: 4.39/5.00     Lectures: 28  Subscribers: 130

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Risques Psycho Sociaux : Prévenir le Burn-Out

Cette formation professionnelle est conçue pour la prévention du burn-out.Une formation à 3 niveaux...

Ratings: 4.43/5.00     Lectures: 75  Subscribers: 126

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Lutter contre le stress au travail - Patrick Legeron

Le travail n’est pas qu’un « mal nécessaire », c’est aussi un facteur essentiel d’épanouissement. L...

Ratings: 4.70/5.00     Lectures: 34  Subscribers: 125

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7 Practices to Change Your Relationship to Stress

Stress is a natural part of life. If it goes unchecked or becomes chronic, however, it can have a si...

Ratings: 4.65/5.00     Lectures: 15  Subscribers: 125

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Manage Your Stress Energy

Background Occurrence of “burn-outs" and “anxiety attacks” is becoming more and more critical in de...

Ratings: 4.59/5.00     Lectures: 41  Subscribers: 125

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Stresle Başa Çıkma ve Öfke Kontrolü | 2 KURS BİR ARADA

Öfkeniz mi var, eşiniz çok mu öfkeli, yakınınızda ki insanlar çok öfkeli; stresli gününüz çok mu?&nb...

Ratings: 4.18/5.00     Lectures: 36  Subscribers: 125

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Gestión y reducción del estrés

En los últimos años el estrés se ha posicionado como una de los principales motivos de consulta médi...

Ratings: 4.49/5.00     Lectures: 36  Subscribers: 124

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Emotional Intelligence Strategies You Can Master Today

Are you ready to take your personal life and professional career to the next level?In this course, w...

Ratings: 4.49/5.00     Lectures: 95  Subscribers: 119

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अति विचार आणि तणाव यांच्यापासून मुक्ती

तुमचा तुमच्या विचारांवर ताबा आहे का? तुमचं मन शांत आहे का? जर स्ट्रेस / तणाव आलाच तर तो तुम्ही दहा-प...

Ratings: 4.94/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 114

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10 Practical Stress Management Techniques

I believe helping “Good People do Great Things.”   My experience of training entrepreneurs and...

Ratings: 4.70/5.00     Lectures: 25  Subscribers: 114

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Ratings: 3.49/5.00     Lectures: 30  Subscribers: 113

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Mental Health and Stress Management

This course is based on mental health and stress management. You will learn about mental health and...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 113

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How to Eliminate Emotional Triggers and take back your LIFE.

Expert Life Coach, Sean William, is going to give you step by step processes developed over the cour...

Ratings: 4.68/5.00     Lectures: 17  Subscribers: 110

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Menata Ulang Hidup Anda

Ada yang salah nih dengan gue?Ada yang nggak pas nih dengan diri dan hidupku?Pernah nggak merasa sep...

Ratings: 4.51/5.00     Lectures: 19  Subscribers: 109

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Essentials: Healthy Communication & Conflict Management Tips

We all want healthy relationships. Whether it's our co-workers, partners, bosses, and even our frien...

Ratings: 4.19/5.00     Lectures: 26  Subscribers: 106

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Building Balance - Teacher Support When Feeling Overwhelmed

After a uniquely diverse twenty-year career as a teacher (which you can hear more about in the intro...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 10  Subscribers: 100

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Detox your Mind - So räumst du dein Leben auf!

Sicherlich kennst du das auch. Dir kribbelt es in den Fingern und du möchtest endlich etwas komplett...

Ratings: 4.23/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 100

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