Double Unders made easy - jump rope for Crossfiters

Step by step, detailed explanation and progression of jump rope for any functional fitness enthusiast.

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Double Unders made easy - jump rope for Crossfiters

What You Will Learn!

  • Developing the skill of single and double unders.
  • Understanding how to work the jump rope in the most efficient way
  • Learning different ways to spin the handles
  • Bonus part - triple unders


Nail down single, double and even triple unders! Crush jumping workouts, develop your coordination, agility, calf and forearm muscles!

Course delivered in the easy-to-digest form of short lessons, that can be practiced prior to your workout routine.

Take this schooling to the gym. Warm up and play the lesson. Go through the exercises given in that session then move on to your routine. In no time you will see improvement in jumping. A better understanding of the rope will transfer to less energy spent and more fun gained with each WOD. Soon you will be a jump rope ninja!

The course is designed for any skill level. We start from the very beginning - how to warm up, spin and jump, and what equipment you need. Then we progress to exercises developing an understanding of the rope: hearing, feeling, seeing the cable and handles, and how that information will add to overall performance. Once the singles are in your book, we will define double under. Knowing how the movement should be performed will allow us to assess the current level and areas for improvement. From there cleaning the technique up will go smoothly. When the DU's are done in a consecutive way last step will be to do them "unbroken". 

If you encounter any problems during schooling - send some vids and I'll direct you with personalized cues.

About the instructor: I'm a technique perfectionist. I believe that every time we train we have the opportunity to perfect our technique - every single air squat is a chance to assess and improve the way we stand, generate tension, create rotation and so on... This philosophy allowed me to explore a great many ways to explain and excel at any given movement. Now I'm offering a piece of this knowledge to you. I'm CrossFit trainer since 2015 and martial arts (krav maga, muay thai) coach since 2010.

Who Should Attend!

  • Do you use a jump rope to improve your conditioning? working out in a fitness center, CrossFit box, or on your own? If at any point you stumble upon the single or double-under, this course will help you nail them down in no time.



  • Fitness






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