Photoshop Course: Beginners to Ultimate 2021/2022 - بالعربي

This course is specially designed for those who do not have any prior knowledge of Photoshop

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Photoshop Course: Beginners to Ultimate  2021/2022 - بالعربي

What You Will Learn!

  • Basic tools in Photoshop and how to navigate the program.
  • Learn about different mechanisms of using tools.
  • Merge images, deal with backgrounds and many other professional things.
  • Preparing the student to move to the professional course.


Welcome to the Photoshop 2021-2022 course for beginners

The student will finish this course and he is well acquainted with the basics of Photoshop, and I will always accompany the student to get full assistance in the program,

What I focused on most in making this course is breaking the fear barrier that may affect anyone when learning a new program,

We may get dread even upon hearing the name of the program,

But when you dig a little deeper into this course, you will find that the program may increase some tools and windows than the Paint program,

This course will be an introduction to many future works.

Fundamentals are a big part of this business.

Later, after these basics, you will go to many professional matters that will enable you to go to the labor market and earn money through that,

So here in this series our mission is to start with you from the beginning to professionalism and you will see the result of your progress yourself, you will learn step by step through the lessons that we will apply together in order to become completely satisfied with your level that you will reach at the end of the course.

what are you waiting for! Subscribe now and start your learning journey and your career successfully.

Learn Photoshop without the need for previous experience!

But it is very important that you do the exercises and I emphasize this.

The experience of any designer is based on the work he does and in this course I will rely on applications at the end of this course

Through which you will finish this course with many experiences that you will need in the labor market

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is intended for people who are not already familiar with the program.
  • For those who want to enter the designer job market.
  • For those who want to edit photos without having to pay money to do so.



  • Photoshop






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