Pilates for Pregnancy

Prepare your body for the delivery and for the recovery from birth with prenatal pilates workouts for each trimester

Ratings 4.82 / 5.00
Pilates for Pregnancy

What You Will Learn!

  • How to exercise safely during your pregnancy
  • How to adopt yourself to your physical changes
  • To discover your pregnant body's capabilities
  • To be self-confident and stay strong during your pregnancy
  • The anatomical changes that your body goes through


Hello and welcome to my Pilates for Pregnancy course!

You are entering this very precious time of your life and I am glad to have you here and be part of your journey.

Pregnancy may come with joy and excitement as well as fear and doubt about what changes your body will go through and what your body is able to do. I have a strong desire to help women to feel great and be without fears during their pregnancy.

If you are pregnant, and want to do some exercise, but are not sure what exercises are safe to do, you are at the right place!

Not only Pilates is safe to do during pregnancy, but it will actually help your body to accommodate the pregnancy better, assist with delivery, and to recover better and regain your shape after the baby is born.  This form of exercise is highly recommended by many mothers, and pregnant moms often experience a wide range of benefits.

This course provides a fun, safe and educational space for you to do weekly workouts during your pregnancy. It will provide a way for you to work out in your own home, on your own time, while helping you feel strong, able-bodied, and comfortable.

Benefits of Pilates during pregnancy:

-Strengthen the core muscles to support your growing belly in order to reduce back pain

-Toning and stretching your pelvic floor which is one of the active muscles that works during the birth

-Supports your posture

-Increasing blood circulation

-Learning good breathing techniques that helps you to relax

-Using the whole body because it takes the whole body to give birth

-Provides a sense of control over the body to feel confident and strong

Looking forward to seeing you in the course!


Who Should Attend!

  • Women who are planning to be pregnant
  • Women at any stages of their pregnancy
  • Pregnant women who wants to tone their pelvic floor
  • Pregnant women who wants to reduce back pain
  • Pregnant women who wants to exercise safely throughout their pregnancy
  • Pregnant women who wants to maintain their strength
  • Pregnant women who wants to prepare their body for the birth
  • Pregnant women who wants to stay active during the pregnancy
  • Pregnant women who prefers to stay at home and practice at their own rhytm



  • Pilates
  • Pregnancy






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