Gluten Free Mastery: From Insight to Gourmet Delight

Dive Deep into Gluten Free Living: Master the Art, Science, and Culinary Wonders of a Gluten Free Diet (Paleo & Keto)

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Gluten Free Mastery: From Insight to Gourmet Delight

What You Will Learn!

  • Ways to empower yourself in social situations, while dining out and traveling, and with cravings and emotional eating for 100% gluten free living
  • The biological processes of gluten intolerance and how gluten effects the body even with small amounts of consumption
  • Differentiation between gluten sensitvity and celiac disease; understanding symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options of both
  • Your essential macronutrients and micronutrients and how to achieve a balanced diet from gluten-free sources
  • Simple prep and cooking basics like produce shopping, knife skills, veggie cooking tricks, and others needed for plant-based foods
  • Personalized meal plans and gluten-free lifestyle for vegetarian, vegan, low FODMAP and other dietary needs using the FREE Spoonacular App
  • To preserve nutrients, ferment and repurpose ingredients for multiple meals to reduce food waste and make the most out of your resources
  • Enhancing flavors with fresh herbs, spices and restaurant industry techniques for less dining out and more of homecooking's healing energy
  • Embracing international gourmet flavors that will keep you feeling satisfied on your gluten free journey


The Gluten Free Mastery: From Insight to Gourmet Delight course is your time, money and energy saver for delicious gluten-free cooking.

When adding plant-based foods to your diet like fresh fruits and vegetables, this increases the number of prepping and cooking techniques that you can use to:

  • make simple dishes with little effort;

  • preserve fresh ingredients;

  • get the most nutritional value out of your foods;

  • and, enhance the pleasures for your taste-buds.

If you are struggling to make healthy meals each day, this course can build your skills to reach your health goals.

Weather you're cooking keto, paleo, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, inflammatory-free or just more fruits and vegetables, this course teaches you all the necessary basics, including meal planning. 

How can the Gluten-Free Mastery: From Insight to Gourmet Delight Course save you time, money and energy?

This course will help you at every step to stay on your healthy eating journey. Your steps to creating plant-based meals:

  1. Plan

  2. Shop

  3. Prep

  4. Cook

  5. Store

                 "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."  ~  Benjamin Franklin

This course will help you:

  • Create your own meal plans using the FREE Spoonacular App to search and organize recipes and generate shopping lists.

  • Customize your meal plans to fit vegetarian, vegan, and low FODMAP diets.

  • Shop inflammatory-free substitutes using money-saving produce shopping tips.

  • Prepare meals with ease using professional chef cutting skills.

  • Learn a variety of vegetable cooking methods.

  • Use restaurant-quality techniques to enhance the flavors of your meals.

  • Get organized with kitchen tools and equipment to make cooking safer, easier and enjoyable using The Gluten-free Kitchen Guide

  • Store your meals with proper produce storage tips and healthier storage-ware. 

The Gluten Free Mastery: From Insight to Gourmet Delight course includes easy to follow, step-by-step cooking instructions. Also, a downloadable and printable Meal Planner and other tools and resources are included. 

A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Gluten-free Kitchen

Just starting your gluten-free journey? The Gluten-free Kitchen Guide is the ideal starting point.

Dive into Module 6, where you'll discover an easy-to-follow checklist. This guide will not only help you reorganize your kitchen and pantry but also pave the way for healthier eating habits. By eliminating gluten and embracing healthier alternatives, you can optimize your kitchen environment for your dietary needs.

Invest your time, money, and energy in doing what you love with whom you cherish. That includes relishing in the joy of cooking!"

Understanding Gluten: More than Just a Protein

At the core of Gluten Free Mastery: From Insight to Gourmet Delight is a deep dive into gluten. Gluten isn't just a buzzword; it's a protein predominantly found in wheat, barley, and rye. Even in minute quantities, it can pose significant health challenges, especially for those intolerant or allergic.

Equip yourself with the knowledge to detect hidden gluten sources lurking in everyday items. As you progress through the course, you'll refine your skills, becoming a savvy food detective, ever-ready to make informed choices to safeguard your health.

Why was this course created?

Your instructor, Keish Mitchell, created this course for you because she spent an awful lot of time, money and energy making gluten-free (and eventually inflammatory-free) meals. She had poor gut health and suffered from severe fatigue, brain fog and inflammation. She was using food as medicine.

Surprisingly, cooking gluten-free was a lot harder than she expected, despite cooking since age 4 and her science background.

After two short weeks on a gluten-free diet, most of her symptoms disappeared. She had less brain fog, more concentration, increased focus and less body pain. She was happier and healthier than she had been in several years, in just two weeks!

With great empathy and compassion, she realized how others struggled and she set a goal to help foodies like you follow a gluten-free diet and create healthier and happier lives for yourself and your loved ones.

Keish has been practicing holistic medicine for over 20 years and been gluten-free for 7 years. She has a science degree in chemistry and is a certified health coach in integrative nutrition.

Who Should Attend!

  • Gluten-sensitive and gluten-intolerant foodies
  • Celiac, Colitis, IBS, and Crohn's disease warriors
  • Keto, paleo, inflammatory-free and elimination dieters
  • Foodies ready to eat healthier and more delicious plant-based meals



  • Cooking
  • Gluten Free Cooking and Baking
  • Meal Planning






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