Personal Development > > Stress Management

Massagem Anti-Stress e Bioenergética

Seu objetivo é ajudar o indivíduo a retornar sua energia primária, que se desgasta com as intempérie...

Ratings: 3.05/5.00     Lectures: 51  Subscribers: 14

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Gestión del Estrés y la Ansiedad

Este curso es el fruto de 25 años de experiencia profesional con cientos de clientes.Aquí se compart...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 15  Subscribers: 13

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Relax With Chinese Painting - Magnolia Flower

Course DescriptionThis refined painting is perfect for releasing mental stress and restoring your en...

Ratings: 3.00/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 12

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التخلص من الصدمات النفسية المستوى الأساسي

هل تنتابك مشاعر مفاجئة بدون سبب واضح؟هل تشعر أن هناك ما يجعلك تتصرف بشكل غير ملائم تجاه بعض الأحداث...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 13  Subscribers: 11

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Unify your mind with Zen language and calligraphy!

This course is talk about the theme that unify the spirit with Zen language and calligraphy!~ENSO an...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 26  Subscribers: 11

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Mindfulness y Diabetes

Mindfulness: Soy mi cuerpo y tengo diabetesAcompañando a las personas con diabetes, a sus familias y...

Ratings: 4.82/5.00     Lectures: 9  Subscribers: 11

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كورس فن التعامل مع التحديات النفسية

سنتناول خلال الكورس :كيف تستفيد من التقنية عملياً في التعامل مع التحدياتالنفسية على المستوى العاطفي...

Ratings: 3.20/5.00     Lectures: 15  Subscribers: 11

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Mindfulness Meditation for balanced Life (In Marathi)

सजगता ध्यानाच्या या वर्गात आपले स्वागत आहे. सजग व्हायचे, म्हणजे आपले लक्ष वर्तमानात आणायचे आणि त्या...

Ratings: 3.50/5.00     Lectures: 12  Subscribers: 10

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Meditação Mindfulness

O curso de Meditação Mindfulness é para você que quer superar situações de estresse, ansiedade e dep...

Ratings: 2.56/5.00     Lectures: 14  Subscribers: 10

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Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 33  Subscribers: 10

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Facing your difficult emotions: Learn distress tolerance

Tolerating frustration, uncertainty and ambiguity is necessary to build emotional endurance. It make...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 21  Subscribers: 10

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如果你碰到了双方理解不同、情绪激烈、有损关系的沟通场景,那么你正在经历“高难度沟通”。 如果没有经过训...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 45  Subscribers: 9

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Relax With Chinese Painting - Calla Lily

This refined painting is perfect for releasing mental stress and restoring your energy. Over 2,000 y...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 5  Subscribers: 9

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"Keep calm & Kick ass" with 30 CEO Stress management Tools

Why did I make a course about stress management tools? There was a time in my life that I realized t...

Ratings: 4.85/5.00     Lectures: 11  Subscribers: 9

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Ratings: 4.76/5.00     Lectures: 24  Subscribers: 9

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety/Shyness

Ever worry about what others think of you? Worry you sound stupid? Worry you don't fit in? You'...

Ratings: 4.50/5.00     Lectures: 39  Subscribers: 9

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Stress Management | ادارة الضغط

دايما مشغول !! وما في عندك وقت لاشي !!،هل تعلم كيف تدير وقتك وما هو المهم والعاجل ، تعلم ادارة الاول...

Ratings: 4.08/5.00     Lectures: 20  Subscribers: 9

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Resilience - Xây dựng sức bật tinh thần

Bạn có biết về Vuca? Một đặc tính quan trọng của thế giới mà ta đang sống.Đây là giai đoạn của Volat...

Ratings: 4.95/5.00     Lectures: 53  Subscribers: 8

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Glücksformeln 7-9: Resilienz - Stress weg & neue Energie

Suchst du nach Möglichkeiten, um ruhiger und gelassener zu sein? Dich auch körperlich wohler zu fühl...

Ratings: 0.00/5.00     Lectures: 56  Subscribers: 8

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The Top Seven Stress Management Strategies

In this course you will be presented with seven strategies to reduce stress. Stress can paralyzing a...

Ratings: 5.00/5.00     Lectures: 8  Subscribers: 7

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